Misne nakane - Mass Intentions

Monday - Ponedjeljak - April 16, 2001

7:30 am Ilija Zeba…………………...…….Ivica Zeba i ob.

Thursday - Četvrtak, April 19, 2001

7:30 am Robert and John Pobiega………Ann Contino

Lydia Bakovich……………Nick and Catherine Perisin

Vincent Brdar…………………Dolores Crane

Tuesday - Utorak, April 17, 2001

7:30 am Ruža Zeba…………………….….Ivica Zeba i ob.

Mark Bozich………………………...…...……Lucy Munizzi

Lydia Bakovich……………..Jeannie and Anthony Ricci


Friday - Petak - April 20, 2001

7:30 am Natale Ruggiero………………Family

Jennie Salerno……………………..Roseann

Wednesday - Srijeda, April 18, 2001

7:30 am George and Cvita Vladovich……Sutera family

Bill McKenzie……………….Catherine and Nick Perisin

Peter Caruso………………..…………………Marion Rotti

Saturday - Subota - April 21, 2001

7:00 am Frank Fratto…………..Andy and Patricia Sperando

Peter Mandić……………………………………….Mandić family

5:30 pm Dominic Leodoro…………M/M Frank Pecora

Angelo Pesce……………………M/M Matthew Pesce

Michael Fratto…………………………Mary Fratto

Mladinov family…………………………….Family

Elizabeth Valela…..Deborah Magyar and Valela family

Deceas. of Babic and Iozzo fam…….Sam and Terri Babich


Sunday - Nedjelja, April 22, 2001

7:30 am…Marin Bajama………………………………………..Anna C. Novak

Dominic Bertucci………………………..Debby Kodzoman

9:30 am…Joseph Bologna…………..…………………………Babe and Joe

Mary Byrnes……………………………………Gazzi family

11:00 am u spomen:

za žive i pok. društva "otok Cres"………………………………..Sv. Marija Otok Cres

Vlaho Obradović……………………………………………………………..Božica Pintar

Anica Obradović………………………………………………………………Božica Pintar

Matija Šušnjara…………………………………………………………muž Stipe i obitelj

Luca Lišnić………………………………………………………………Ob. Marija Carlson

Helena Boričević………………………………………………………………….Ob. Runac

Šime Perković………………………………………………………………………Kći Cindy

Paulina Ferenac………………………………………………………….Stjepan Ferenac

Ruža Zeba……………………………………………………………………..Marko i obitelj

Tada Topić………………………………………………………………..Ob. Ivica Penavić

Marko Bulić…………………………………………………………….Kata i Josip Bajzec

Šime Perković…………………………………………………………….Dinko Jović i ob.

Mara Kosir………………………………………………………………..Ivo i Silvija Kosir


Č I T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, April 21, 5:30 pm R. Brcich

Sunday, April 22, 7:30 am Matthew Pesce

Sunday, April 22, 9:30 am G. Cortese

Nedjelja, 22. travnja 11:00 Josip Novak i Nedijlko Babić.


Saturday, April 21, 5:30 pm A. Atteo, B. Kenny and Kantowski.

Sunday, April 22, 9:30 a.m. A. Ciaravino, M. Huels and K. Mossman.

Nedjelja, 22. travnja USKRS 11:00 D. Hrvojević, A. Kraljević, A. Mlinarić i J. Kosir.


Financial report:

Sunday, April 8, 2001 $ 5, 987.00

Second collection $ 341.00


Helen Obradović i Jesus Zavala (1)

POZVANI SMO DANAS NA USKRS živjeti život punine u svakom njegovu trenutku i u svakom njegovu danu. Danas smo pozvani vjerovati u svoj vlastiti Uskrs. Jer vjerovati Kristu znači živjeti kao što on živi, zauvijek. Budite danas radosni što ste kršćani! Kršćanstvo vam nudi ŽIVOT,a život je najveći, najbogatiji, najljepši, najpotpuniji dar koji možete primiti!


Dar za Hrvatski katolički radio: Ob. Ivan Grbavac $100.00

Sastanak Župnog vijeća: srijeda, 18. travnja 7:30 p.m.

Nedjelja 22. travnja - Društvo Imena Isusova priprema Spageti ručak u našoj velikoj dvorani. Navratite poslije mise.

HRVATSKA KATOLIČKA ZAJEDNICA slavi 80 godina svoga postojanja. Svečana sv. misa slavit će se u našoj crkvi sv. Jeronima, u nedjelju 20. svibnja u 11 sati. Slavlje predvodi Msgr. Ivan Prenđa, nadbiskup zadarski, potpredsjednik Hrvatske biskupske konferencije i predsjednik Hrvatskog Karitasa. Svečani banket će se održati u dvorani Lexington Hall (Palos Hill). Za sve informacije i ulaznice nazovite brzoglas Hrvatske katoličke zajednice 219 942 1191.

CROATIAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION (CAA) vas poziva na BANKET ZAJEDNIŠTVA u subotu 21. travnja u Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers (301 E. North Water, Downtown Chciago). Koktel počima u 6:30 sati navečer, zabavljaju Vas grupe Prijatelji i Veritas. Ulaznicom od $100 pomažete lobiranju za hrvatske interese u Washigtonu. Gosti na ovom važnom skupu su potpredsjednik Hrvatskog sabora dr. Zdravko Tomac, potpredsjednik Hrvatskog narodnog sabora iz Mostara, gosp. Draženko Primorac, predstavnik hrvatskog sabora za vanjsku politiku Milivoj Petković, novi hrvatski veleposlanik u Washingtonu prof. Ivan Grdešić, ugledni američki kongresmani i dužnosnici grada Chicaga..Više informacija A. Marijan 773 523 8517 ili A. Perajica 773 890 1001.

DANAS JE DAN kada trebamo gledati dalje, iznad horizonata naše ograničenosti i vidjeti život u punini. Uskrs nama kršćanima omogućava veću sliku, sliku u kojoj vidimo cijeli smisao i cjelinu svoga života. Uskrs nam mora postati vječni Aleluja. U tom duhu života i radosti, Duhu Kristovu koji pobjeđuje tamu, želimo Vam: SRETAN USKRS!



TODAY we implore you to look further, beyond the horizon of our human limitations, and we will see life in its fullest. Easter makes possible a bigger picture, a picture in which we see the full potential of our entire lives. Easter must become our everlasting ALLELUIA! In that spirit of life and joy, the spirit of Christ that dispels darkness, we wish you HAPPY EASTER!


This week we moved from the celebration of Palm Sunday with its transition from triumphal entrance to disgraceful rejection, towards the celebration of light and life. The Resurrection cannot be separated from Jesus’ life and death. His life of obedience and service is consummated by His offering Himself to His apostles and to us at the Last Supper, as well as offering His body and spirit for us to His Father on that very Good Friday. We prepared for Easter by praying with the liturgies of this Holy Week. Attending the celebration of this week with the communities of faith was a great preparation. It was not a sad week, but a week of quiet reflection. We have been brought out of our disorders, chaos ,and addictions. We have had our feet, humanity and persons washed in Baptism. We have seen the God Made Man definitively tell us who we are, "the died for." We prepared for Easter by humbly showing up with the truths of our lives to be washed again, served again, and comissioned again to live the Eucharist. The fruit of the Tree of Life, upon which Jesus died, is the life each of us lives. The Grain of Wheat has fallen into the earth and died. We who receive His new life are the New Paschal Bread and the continuation of the New Passover. In Baptism we die with Christ, and with our little dyings we continually rise with Him. By our presence in church today we are saying (whether we can verbalize it or not), I want to verify for myself the experience of Jesus. I want to hear the story of the first witnesses again so that I can say that His is my experience as well; this is what I believe about my own resurrection. In other words, resuscitation never happened, but resurrection always happens. Resurrection is always a personal experience. If it is not, there is hardly any reason for us to come back here today. People like ourselves have been doing this for over two thousand years. Our presence here is a sign that there must have been something to it and there still is! So, for whatever reason you have come today, it is a good reason. By your presence you have linked yourself in faith to the millions and millions of Jesus’ followers throughout the centuries. Because you decided to celebrate Easter Sunday, you can be sure that tomorrow and every new day will be a resurrection. Jesus Christ is risen. Yes, he is truly risen, and so are we!


is inviting you to the Unity Gala Banquet at Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers (301 E. North Water, Downtown Chicago) on Saturday, April 21st. Cocktails: 6:30 P.M. Dinner 7:00 P.M. Special guests: Dr. Zdravko Tomac, vice president of the Croatian Parliament, Ivan Grdesic, Croatian ambassador to the United States, many congressmen, and representatives of the City of Chicago. Entertainment by Prijatelji and Veritas, featuring Mario Romanovic. Cost of ticket: $100.00 per person. For more information contact Anthony Peraica 773 890 1001 or Ante Marijan 773 523 8517.

Divine Mercy Sunday - April 22, at 3 p.m. Please join us for devotion and the chaplet of Divine Mercy. "I want this image to be solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter; that Sunday is to be the Feast of Mercy. On that day, the depths of My Mercy will be open to all. Whoever will go to confession and Holy Communion on that day will receive complete forgiveness of sin..." Sr. Faustina’s dairy.

Words to live by

1. Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.

2. You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future.

3. All people smile in the same language. (To be cont’.)


Apartments for Rent

- 2 bedroom, 1st Floor, 29th and Shields Call 312 842 1241

- Newly remodeled 1st Floor, 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms with live-in basement, central air, laundry, yard... 312 328 0836.

Thought of the Week

"Crucifixion and failure are very visible, but resurrection and forgiveness are hidden."