St. Jerome School Christmas Concert at Chicago City Hall, Dec. 5, 2008

Nastup Dječjeg zbora Sv. Jeronima u gradskoj vijećnici

Dječji zbor škole Sv. Jeronima imao je čast održati Božićni koncert u gradskoj vijećnici grada Chicaga na 5. dan mjeseca prosinca 2008. Na poziv gradonačelnikova ureda ovaj Dječji zbor  održao je fantastičan koncert.  Njihov učitelj glazbe gospodin Larry zaista je odlično pripremio djecu na ponos cijele naše zajednice. Pri kraju koncerta gradonačelnik gospodin Richard M. Daley i gradski vijećnik gospodin James Balcer uručili su Dječjem zboru Sv. Jeronima svečano priznanje grada Chicaga, izrazili oduševljenje njihovim pjevanjem te ih pozvali ponovno slijedeće godine.


Children's Choir plays City Hall

The St. Jerome Children’s Choir had the honor of performing a Christmas concert in Chicago’s City Hall on Friday, Dec. 5, 2008. This is the first of what may become an annual event. At the invitation of Mayor Daley’s office of special events, the Choir sang a fantastic concert, to the piano accompaniment of the choir director, Mr. Larry Haptas, and with the guidance of their conductor, Mrs. Debbie Rudmin. At the end of the concert, Mayor Richard M. Daley and Ald. James Balcer awarded the Choir with a certificate of honor on behalf of the City of Chicago. The wide range of Christmas songs and the bright smiles of the singers warmed many hearts that noon hour in City Hall.  

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