2010 St. Jerome Children Choir Christmas Concert






Christmas Concert at Chicago City Hall

St. Jerome Children Choir held its third Christmas concert at the City Hall of the City of Chicago, on December 2, 2010. With many visitors, parents and friends of St. Jerome in attendance, the Children's Choir, under the direction of their music teacher, Mr. Haptas, performed an extraordinary Christmas concert. The choir of 50 children made everybody proud and joyful. Alderman James Balcer presented them with a City of Chicago award. Mr. Richard M. Daley, the Mayor of the City of Chicago, welcomed them into his office showing them his working space, and the many gifts he has received from dignitaries around the world. The Mayor explained to them what his work is all about and took pictures with all of them. Afterward the Choir was received in the City Council Chamber, where they had a privilege to see firsthand one of the City's Commisions in session.

Božićni koncert u gradskoj vijećnici Chicaga

2. prosinca 2010. Koncert „Dječji zbor škole Sv. Jeronima održao je božićni koncert u gradskoj vijećnici „City Hall“ . Lijepi broj posjetitelja. Svi koji su došli poslom u gradsku vijećnicu zastali su slušati ove divne glasove naše djece. Odličnim vođenjem našeg profesora glazbe gospodina Haptosa, ovaj zbor od 50 djece je bio bio fenomenalan. Gradski vijećnik gospodin James Balcer predao im je priznanje u ime grada, a nakon koncerta gradonačelnik Richard M. Daley primio ih je u svoje urede, slikao se s njima i objasnio im ured i posao. Nakon ovog srdačnog susreta, posjetili su gradsku vijećnicu gdje su imali prigodu vidjeti zasjedanje jednog gradskog odbora.



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