Confessions are heard 30 minutes prior to the start of each Mass.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

 "God the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son, has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." - Words of absolution

·        The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered at St. Jerome before every mass and also any time by request.

·        Twice a year we gather as a community for Reconciliation Services. These are held during the Advent and Lenten seasons as our preparations for the two most important Christian holydays, Christmas and Easter, respectively.

Advent Reconciliation 

All of us together, with our joys, our fears, our differences . . . all of us together, with our hopes, our dreams, our faults . . . all of us together, many though one, are called to love.  Together we form one circle.  This circle has no beginning and no end. 

At times this circle of love is broken because of selfishness, because of prejudice and because we ignore the deepest stirrings that go on in all of us. 

We find ourselves creating separate circles: the inner circle, the outer circle, the circle of POWER, and the circle of despair. 

Together we carefully define our circles at work and at home. 

Some circles nourish; other circles destroy.  The circle of love is broken whenever there is alienation, misunderstanding, and hardening of our hearts. 

The circle of love is broken whenever we can’t see eye-to-eye, we can’t link hand-to-hand, or we can’t live heart-to-heart. 

Before we pray, before we dream, before we can witness to justice and peace, we must be a single circle, a single unbroken circle, a wide, opening circle. 

Let us spend time for a few moments thinking about our lives’ circles.  Questions to think about during this time of reflection:  How have others hurt you, and caused you to leave/run away from the circle?  How have you hurt others and forced them out of the circle? 

What is your hurt, your wound, and your pain? 

In the silence of your heart, please reflect as you prepare for the sacrament of reconciliation. 

We ask for forgiveness of one another as children of God, as friend to friend.  Too many times, we have judged one another, condemning those things we did not understand.  We ask forgiveness for assuming we know all there is to know about each other, for presuming to speak for each other, for defining, confining, claiming, naming, limiting, labeling, and interpreting.

Here are the guidelines for better personal preparation:


Read one of the following Scripture texts and consider what the Lord is saying to you through the Good News. Then pray for the gift of a contrite heart. A sample prayer is included.

Jesus saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at his customs post. He said to him, “Follow me”. Leaving everything behind, Levi stood up and became His follower. 

After that Levi gave a great reception for Jesus in his house, where he was joined by a large crowd of tax collectors and others at dinner. The Pharisees and the Scribes of their party said to the disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and non-observers of the law?” Jesus said to them, “The healthy do not need a doctor; sick people do. I have not come to invite the self-righteous to a change of heart, but sinners.” (Luke 5:2 7:32) 


While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was deeply moved. He ran out to meet him, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. The son said to him, “Father, I have sinned against God and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son.” The father said to his servants, “Quick! Bring out the finest robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. Take the fatted calf and kill it. Let us eat and celebrate because this son of mine was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and is found.” Then the celebration began. (Luke 15:20-24) 


Turning then to the woman, he said to Simon, “You see this woman? I came to your home, and you provided me with no water for my feet. She has washed my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since I entered. You didn't anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume. I tell you, that is why her sins are forgiven — because of her great love. Little is forgiven the one whose love is small.” (Luke 7:4448) 


When asked what must be “done” to inherit everlasting life, Jesus quoted the Book of Deuteronomy which called the believer to love God with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind. Then he added from the Book of Leviticus the call to love one’s neighbor as oneself.  Christian life, life as a disciple of Jesus, has to do with conversion to this manner of love. This relationship of love is a gift. When we sin, we make choices that damage, inhibit, ignore, or resist this relationship of love. Sin has to do with relationship and choice. Sometimes we actually choose to damage our relationships; other times we simply refuse to choose, which also damages our relationships. Examining our conscience means simply examining our choices as disciples looking at our relationships. What we do or don’t  do is important. That we love as Jesus did, relate to God, brothers,  sisters, and the world around us as Jesus did, is essential. Using the following questions or others with which you are more familiar, examine your conscience.


  • Is my heart set on God, or does my necessary concern with material things exceed my love for God? Is there another “god” in my life?
  • Do I make time for prayer in my life? Do I take the time to thank God for the gifts I have been given? Do I pray only when I need something?
  • Do I put my trust in the Lord, or do I turn to horoscopes, mediums, occult practices, or other superstitious practices?
  • Do I show reverence for the Lord in speech?
  • Do I celebrate the Eucharist with the gathered assembly on the Lord’s day? Do I receive communion worthily at every Mass I attend, recognizing that in the Eucharist less serious sin is forgiven, and that it is a means of staying close to God?
  • Do I profess my faith as a Christian, or do I hide my beliefs for fear of ridicule and embarrassment?


  • Have I contributed to the well-being of my family? Have I spent quality time with my spouse? my children? my parents?
  • Have I a genuine love for other people, or do I use them as means to my own ends?
  • Have I harmed others through my actions? my speech?
  • Have I put others in danger by my actions?
  • Do I share what I have with the less fortunate? Do I actively share in the mission of the church to the poor?
  • Do I do everything that I can to eradicate racism in my life and in society in general? Do I harbor a racist attitude? Do I make racist remarks or tell racially insensitive jokes?
  • Have I been faithful to my marriage vows? Have I taken the time to tell my spouse that I love him/her?
  • Have I been honest in my dealings with others in my actions? in my speech?
  • If I have been dishonest, have I made an honest attempt to set right the wrong by making restitution?
  • Have I obeyed legitimate authority, or do I break laws because “everyone does it”? Do I give my employer an honest day’s work?
  • Do I treat others with fairness and honesty? 


  • Do I protect my health to the best of my ability? Have I put off seeing a doctor even though I know that I need some care?
  • Am I temperate in my use of alcohol? Do I minimize or deny my addiction to alcohol, tobacco, or mood altering drugs?
  • Do I treat my body as a dwelling place for God? Do I get the proper amount of rest and exercise?
  • Have I been chaste according to my station in life? Do I avoid temptations or situations that might lead to a failure to remain chaste?
  • Have I fostered a healthy sense of respect and love for myself? Do I foster a positive self-image by remembering that God loves me for who I am and not for what I can do? Do I find my sense of self-worth in God’s love for me or is it dependent on others?
  • Am I proud or arrogant, thinking myself better than others, or do I give in to feelings of self-pity, false humility?


  • Do I perceive the world around me as a gift of God to be cherished, revered, and used justly?
  • Do I ever consider my consumption of food, water, and other resources in light of those who are hungry, thirsty, and without clothing? Do I consume more than I really need?
  • Have I tried to live in the world with respect for its resources, or do I see God’s gifts as my  possessions?
  • Do I see people as things rather than as reflections of the image of God?


  1. When you enter the confessional the confessor greets you. Then make the sign of the cross. The confessor will invite you to have trust in God. The priest might offer a short reading from Scripture. 
  2. Then confess your sins. If your sin is a matter of serious or grave sin, you must express the number and kind of sin it is. In the case of less serious sins, this is not necessary. Rather than reciting a long list of less serious transgressions, try to capture the sense of sin in your life. 
  3. When you have finished, listen to the advice the confessor gives you. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Make sure you understand what your penance is. When the confessor asks you to make an act of contrition, you may do so in your own words, or in some learned prayer. Some sample acts of contrition follow: 


My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.



  • If the confessor asks you to perform an act of charity, and you don’t know what to do, here are some suggestions. 
  • Call upon someone who is lonely and could use a cheerful visitor.
  • Make a phone call to someone who is homebound, or to someone who would really enjoy hearing from you.
  • Seek out someone with whom you have been less than charitable and pay them a sincere compliment.
  • Put aside something you want to do and set aside a half hour to spend with your children or you spouse.
  • Volunteer an evening at a local soup kitchen or shelter.
  • Buy a sandwich and a cup of coffee for a homeless person.
  • The next time you hear some gossip about someone, say something nice about the person.
  • Do something at home for your parents, your spouse, or your children without being asked to do it.


  • Give up food or parts of a meal and share the food or its value with someone who is hungry.
  • Take time from recreation such as watching TV and use the time to visit, call, or write someone who is alone.
  • Do without recreational beverages such as soda or alcohol or coffee and send the money saved t some worthy organization.
  • Go without the convenience of an automobile and use public transportation or another mode o transportation that does not use fossil fuels (walking, cycling).


The confessor might ask you to make a suggestion as a step toward making a real change in the relationship of your life or in the choices that you have made. Change is possible. Change means starting over again Our faith is about conversion, not perfection. Some of the ways that we can begin again, some of the way that we can change may mean taking active steps to choose a different pattern in my life. The following are some suggestions:

  • I will seek some counseling to deal with my feelings of anger or frustration; to deal with my negative self-image.
  • I will attend an AA meeting or get an evaluation at a treatment center to determine if I need help dealing with my drinking or drug use.
  • I will ask my spouse to go to counseling with me to work out our difficulties.
  • I will volunteer some time in a worthwhile community organization to help me deal with my preoccupation with myself.
  • I will make an appointment to see a doctor within the next two days.

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