St. Jerome's School

         Parent Handbook 


    Frequently Asked Questions


Dear Parents,

      Catholic Education is a valuable tool in bringing the world to the child and the child closer to God and the world itself. The values of Catholic Education are for life. At St. Jerome School our goal is to provide a high quality Catholic Education helping our students to meet the ever changing world and preparing them for the challenges that await them in the future. St. Jerome School is part of the Church’s ministry enlivened by the gospel spirit of freedom and love. It is our responsibility to guide our children so that they may be able to live, learn, pray, to be part of the community and to be of service to others. Together, let us continue to prepare our children so that success will be theirs.

      The 2002-2003 edition of the parent handbook will provide you with the information and guidelines that enable St. Jerome School to operate effectively. Together, we can concentrate on the goals of Catholic Education at St. Jerome School. It is important that you as parents review the contents of this handbook together with your child or children, so that they understand that the school and the home are partners in their education. Therefore, we urge your cooperation, your assistance, and your support in fostering the Catholic education your children richly deserve.

      All of us at St. Jerome School are anxious to be of service to you and your children. We look forward to creating a bond between the school and the home. Finally, we remember our school theme for this year is: “Were Building a Better World…One Student at a Time.”

Sincerely yours,

Peter Trumblay

Principal of St. Jerome School

Mission Statement


The mission of St. Jerome School is to educate the whole child: physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. In doing so we hope that each child follows the teachings of Jesus Christ and His Gospel Teachings, becomes life long learners, people of prayer, service and community building.



St. Jerome School is a Catholic School dedicated to the total growth and development of the Christian child. The faculty and staff recognize the dignity and differences of individual students. Therefore, they strive to develop each child’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physically and social potential within a caring environment.

The school is part of St. Jerome Parish. In cooperation with the parents, the primary educators, the faculty strives to provide academic excellence in a setting that attempts to implement the values and traditions of the Catholic Church. 

While recognizing the homogeneous character of the school, programs and projects are designed to extend the focus from their personal culture and the world around them. The emphasis must be that each child respects the dignity of every human being. 

The school staff concurs with this belief and invites the students to a greater awareness of Christ’s presence in the world through the witnessing of Gospel values. The ultimate objective is to guide the students to strive for the truth, and to live this truth as responsible members of the Church and society.


St. Jerome Faculty and Staff


Early Childhood/Preschool                                         Art                                          

Mrs. Karen Mezia                                                      Mrs. Irene Hermanowski

Mrs. Anna Babich…Aide


Kindergarten                                                               Mr. Larry Haptas

Ms. Tracy Lester                                                         Ms. Sarah Donley

Mrs. Sandy Fallon…Aide                                         


                                                                                    Mr. John Fallon

1st Grade

Ms. Melissa Hurley                                                     Physical Education

                                                                                    Mrs. Michaelena Considine

2nd Grade

Ms. Nicolette Bernardi                                               Drama

                                                                                    Mrs. Irene Hermanowski (Kg-4)

3rd Grade                                                                     Mr. Peter Trumblay (5-8)

Mrs. Mary Buschhorn

                                                                                    Foreign Language

4th Grade                                                                     Mrs. Elizabeth Rodiquez (Italian)

Mr. Edward Creech                                                       Ms. Nidia Arreola (Spanish) 


5th Grade                                                                     Before Care Coordinator

Ms. Kristen Hermanowski                                             Mrs. Sandy Fallon


6th Grade                                                                      After Care Coordinators

Mrs. Jadie Juric                                                           Ms. Kristen Hermanowski

                                                                                     Ms. Tracy Lester

7th Grade

Mrs. Rojewski                                                              Counselor


8th Grade

Ms. Carm Parrilli                                                          Title I Teachers (Tutoring Program)

                                                                                   Mrs. Mary Buschhorn

Administration                                                               Mrs. Irene Hermanowski

Mr. Peter Trumblay, Principal                                      

Ms. Carm Parrilli, Asst. Principal                                  Maintenance

Mrs. MaryAnn Senerchia, Secretary                              Mr. Paul Gulittolo


                                                                                   Lunch Program

                                                                                   Mrs. Pauline Dengler

                                                                       Mrs. Cathy DeMar                                                                                                        

                                                                                   Mrs. Gail Gallo



St. Jerome School Board



Fr. Joe Grbes, Pastor of St. Jerome Parish                           Mrs. Denise Bertucci

Mr. Peter Trumblay, Principal                                             Mrs. Laura Perseghin

Mrs. Jan Ferro, President of the School Board                    Mrs. Chris Pecese  

Mrs. Pauline Dengler                                                           Mrs. Mary Vujic

Mrs. Jan Marie Zekich                                                         Mrs. MaryAnn Ciaravio


St. Jerome School Board meets once a month in the parish hall. Time and day to be determined.

Home-School Association Officers


Mrs. Toni Mitchell, President

Mrs. Debbie Miloslavich, Vice President

Mrs. Eva Mossman, Treasurer                   

Mrs. Anna Kenny, Secretary

Mrs. MaryBeth Insalaco, Sgt. of Arms

Mrs. Sunnie Domingo, Auditor


The Parents Club is an organization designed to provide assemblies and enrichments activities for our students. The goal is to foster better communication between the school and the home, which will encourage parental involvement in the education of all the children of St. Jerome School.


Sports Association

St. Jerome School provides combined competitive and instructional sports programs as an extension of St. Jerome School academic program. Student participants will learn the fundamentals of each sport, and be given the opportunity to develop strong, healthy, and disciplined minds and bodies. Participants will also develop a sense of good sportsmanship, fair play and team spirit.


Parent Advisory Board to the Principal

The Parent Advisory is a group of 20-25 parents, who meet once a month regarding issues that affect the entire school. Issues like drop off and pick up of students, safety concerns for all students, academic concerns, and other issues that might arise because of new situations that occur in the near future. This advisory board does not make policy, but only give suggestions to the administration. The administration has the final decision.


Liturgical Life

The Pastoral, To Teach as Jesus Did, states that the fourfold purpose of Catholic education is to proclaim authentically and fully the message of Jesus, to foster an understanding and building of community in all areas of life, to encourage service to each other for the good of all, and to participate in parish worship celebrations. 

Parents and guardians are the primary educators of children. Part of any good teaching is modeling. Therefore, parents and students are expected to participate in Parish life by attendance at Sunday Eucharist Celebrations. 

One Sunday a month is designated Family Sunday. Families are required to attend these Eucharistic celebrations.


Family Masses for 2002-2003 

September 15, 2002 - Catechetical Sunday - 9:30 A.M. 

October 20, 2002 - 5th  /Preschool Grade Hosting - 9:30 A.M. 

November 17, 2002 - 8th Grade Hosting - 9:30 A.M. 

December 15, 2002 - 4th Grade Hosting - 9:30 A.M. 

January 26, 2003 - Catholic Schools Week – 9:30 A.M. 

February 23, 2003 – 7th Grade Hosting – 9:30 A.M. 

March 30, 2003 – 6th Grade Hosting – 9:30 A.M. 

April 13, 2003 – 2nd / 1st Grade Hosting – 9:30 A.M. 

May 8, 2003 – May Crowning – 7:00 P.M. 

May 18, 2003 – 3rd Grade/ Kg Hosting – 9:30 A.M. 



 Policy and Procedures


  1. Parents are required to report any absence by calling the school office at 312-842-7668. A call must be made for each day of absence. Please call for homework requests by 9:00 A.M. If parents do not call by 9:00 A.M. the school office will call the home to assure that your child is absent. 
  2. We discourage appointments being made during school hours. If this is unavoidable, a written request from a parent must be submitted to the school office. These should be kept to the minimal and for serious reasons only when other arrangements are not possible. For the safety of your child, a student cannot wait outside the building. A parent must come into the office and sign out the student.
  3. Vacations are discouraged when classes are in session. If the vacation is unavoidable, when the student returns, he/she will be given missed assignments. It is the decision of the faculty not to give assignments in advance. The student will only have one week to make up all assignments that he or she missed during their family vacation. After the week is expired, the student will get a zero for all assignments not completed.


Accident Insurance: An insurance policy is offered to all students on an optional basis. Forms are sent home in the beginning of the school year. 

Administration of Medication: According to state law, it is only permissible for school personnel to dispense medication under the following conditions.

  1. Written permission is required from the parent or guardian of the student requesting that the school cooperate with the directions of the current prescription.
  2. All medication must be brought to the school office and given either to

      Mrs. Senerchia or Mr. Trumblay. Medication must be brought in a pharmacy-                 

      labeled container or an original over the counter container.

  1. For your child and the safety of all children, all medication must be brought to the school office. Students are responsible to report to the school office at the proper time to take their medication.
  2. The school will provide no medication.


Admission Policy


Non-Discrimination Policy: St. Jerome School in accordance with the Archdiocese of Chicago. This policy is the following.

  1. Every Catholic child whether his/her parents are Catholic or not, has the right to attend his/her parish school.
  2. Neither race, sex, creed, neither ethnic nor national origin may prevent a child from being admitted.
  3. As a general policy, any child admitted in September shall be allowed to complete the school year.

Order of Admission: Admission of students shall be accepted in accordance with the following guidelines in order of priority as listed.

  1. Students currently enrolled.
  2. Brothers and Sisters of currently enrolled students.
  3. Children of parishioners seeking enrollment for the first time or now reaching school age.
  4. Applicants who reside in the school community both Catholic and Non-catholic.
  5. Transfer of students from other Catholic Schools.
  6. Applicants who residence is outside the parish boundaries as long as space is available.

Age of Admission: A child entering St. Jerome School must be in compliance with the requirements of the State of Illinois regarding age of admission. 

3-YEAR-OLD PRE-KINDERGARTEN: Child must be three years old by September 1st. 

4-YEAR-OLD PRE-KINDERGARTEN: Child must be four years old by September 1st. 

KINDERGARDTEN: Child must be five years old by September 1st.


Admission of New Students: For admission of any new student, parents must present the following items.

  1. An official copy of the child’s birth certificate.
  2. The baptismal record
  3. A record of compliance with local and State of Illinois health requirements.


Admission of Transfer Students: For admission of transfer students, parents shall present the proper transfer from the school attended. Upon request from the receiving school, all records from the former school, including health records, shall be transferred. 

All transfer students will be subject to an evaluation and conference at the end of the first quarter. St. Jerome School reserves the right to recommend alternative placement if the student cannot meet the academic standards and expectations of St. Jerome School. 

Registration will not be finalized until previous academic records are furnished by the parent or the transferring school and examined by the Principal for proper placement.


Alcohol: Alcohol is not to be served at school events when children are present. 


  1. School doors open at 7:50 for grades Preschool to 8th grade.
  2. School Hours are the following.
    1. Preschool for Three Year Olds is 8:00-11:00 A.M.
    2. Preschool for Four Year Olds is 11:30-2:30
    3. Kg-4th Grade is 8:00-2:25
    4. 5th-8th Grade is 8:00-2:20
    5. Office Hours is 7:00-2:45
  3. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their homeroom by 8:00 A.M. Students who are tardy must report to the school office first. Students will not be marked tardy if there is an early doctor appointment. A written verification from the medical office is required.
  4. If your child is not picked up by 2:30 P.M. they will immediately go to After-Care Program and you will be charged $10.00 per day. Payment is required by the next school day. Failure to pay will result in a late fee of an additional $10.00 and it will be attached to your tuition account for the month.

Back To School Night: During the first month of school, there will be an evening in which you will meet the Home –School Association Officers, the Pastor, Principal and Teachers. During this evening, you will be given important information regarding the school year. Examples: Crisis Handbook, Parent/Student Handbook and Teacher Expectations. This is a great way to begin the communication between school and the home. It usually begins at 6:30 P.M. and concludes at 8:30 P.M. 

Before Care Program: The Before-Care program is from 7:00 am to 7:50 am. Monday-Friday. Parents must register their child or children for this extra program. A small snack is provided. Parents are responsible to take their child to the First Floor Classroom and meet the teacher at the door to assure your child’s safety. 

Books: Books are to be covered and well cared for at all times. Students are responsible for the condition of books and will be assessed a charged for damages which must be paid before final report cards are given out. 

Backpacks: Students may use backpacks to carry their books to and from school. Once, they are in school, the students may empty their bag and place it in their locker. 

Bullying: Bullying has become a problem in many schools today. St. Jerome School has zero tolerance for bullying. The most common ways of bullying are the following:

  1. Belittled about looks, speech and religion
  2. Subject to rumors
  3. Hit, slapped or pushed
  4. Subject of sexual comments or gestures

If this occurs, the parents will be contacted and the appropriate action will occur. The discipline can vary from suspension to expulsion. 

Change of Address: Please notify the school office immediately if there is a change of address or phone number. 

Cheating: Cheating in the academic world is not tolerated. In an event of cheating, the student will receive a zero for the assignment, test or project. If the student continually cheats, a meeting will be set up with parents and a course of action will take place. 

Child Abuse: By law the State of Illinois requires school personnel to inform the Department of Children and Family Services of any allegations/suspicion of child abuse and neglect. 

Communicable Diseases: When a child has been absent because of a communicable disease, a doctor’s note must be presented to the teacher and the office before the child can return back to school. The following diseases require exclusion from school.

    • Chicken Pox
    • German Measles
    • Mumps

If there is exposure to a communicable disease in the classroom an official letter of notification will go home with his or her class. 

Computer Lab: The schools computer lab is intended for educational purposes and not for personal use. Therefore, personalization of the lab’s computers by students is prohibited. Students are not allowed to download and or install services onto the computers including but not limited to screen savers and instant messages. Violation of this policy could result in tempaory or permanent use of the lab. Students will be assigned to a computer station at the beginning of the year. The computer teacher and homeroom teacher need to work together to assure appropriate use of the lab. 

Custody Issues: This school abides by the provision of the Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of the non-custodial parent. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, school will provide the non-custodial parent access to the academic records and to other school related information. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to give us an official copy of the court order. A letter from the attorney DOES NOT work. 

Early Dismissal: Before an individual student can be dismissed early from school, there must be a written request made in writing by the parent or guardian to the teacher. Permission is obtained by the Principal. Parents must come to the office and sign their child out of school. No student is allowed to leave school without permission. Once a student arrives at school, they are not allowed to leave the school campus. 

Electrical Equipment: Students should not be bringing headphones, radios or walkmans to school. The school cannot be responsible of such devices. If the student brings one to school, it will be sent to the office and the parent will pick it up. 

Emergency Sheets: An emergency sheet is kept on each family in the school office each year. Each family must fill this sheet out during the first week of school. This provides the staff with direct contact with parents, guardians and or medical services. Please keep this as accurate. If there are any changes please call the school office. Please be accurate when completing this form. 

Emergency Crisis Plan: St. Jerome School has a Crisis Plan. Copies are given to parents during Back to School Night that occurs within the second week of school. Each teacher has a copy of this plan and is in service prior to student’s arrival. 

Emergency School Closing: As a general rule, St. Jerome School will be open unless Chicago Public School or Archdiocesan Schools are closed due to bad weather. In such cases, the emergency call system will go into effect. Room Mothers will be notified to call parents. The call will be made to the oldest and only child of the family. Please DO NOT CALL THE RECTORY OR SCHOOL, because the lines need to be open to place calls. The closing will be announced both on radio and television. 

Expulsion: Expulsion is the termination of the pupil’s privilege to attend the school and requires transfer of the pupil to another school. Except in appropriate cases, expulsion will be imposed only after a suspension has taken place. Expulsion is ordinarily invoked when a drastic action is required to prevent disruption of the school environment. 

Extended Day Care: The Aftercare Program goes from Monday to Friday from 2:30-5:00 P.M. The Extended Day Care Room is in the First Floor Classroom. A snack is provided. 

Field Trips: Field Trips of an educational or recreational nature will be planned with the students. Written permission of parents is required for field trips. The fees will vary according to the occasion. Chaperones are a necessary part of these experiences and we know we can rely on your cooperation as we have in the past. The office will approve trips prior to letter going home to parents. St. Jerome School has a Field Trip Emergency Plan and it is the following.

  1. Most trips will be scheduled no longer than the regular school day unless otherwise advised.
  2. Students’ permission slips and copies thereof will be taken on all filed trips in case of emergency.
  3. In case of delay, the teachers will inform the school regarding the nature of the delay.
  4. The school secretary will relay the message to parents regarding the nature of the delay and expected time of students’ return.
  5. School personnel will be stationed in school until the safe return of all students.

Fundraising: Fundraising is an integral part of the viability of St. Jerome School. Different organizations hold a variety of fundraisers. Please support their cause and because it eventually helps all the students of St. Jerome School. At St. Jerome School, we ask that all parents work three bingos during the year including the school and summer months. Transfers will not be given until all fundraising obligations have been met. If a check is returned for NSF, a $30.00 fee will be attached and writing future checks will not be accepted. 

Gangs and Gang Related Activities: This school is a gang free school. Being part of any gang organization doesn’t foster the educational process. Activities prohibited are not limited to, the following:

  1. Soliciting /recruitment others for membership
  2. Participating in physical violence
  3. Extorting money or services
  4. Coercing, harassing and threatening others
  5. Displaying gang signs
  6. Using verbal and nonverbal gestures that promote the gang
  7. Engage in activity to promote the gang interest or mission

Violation of this policy will result in schools discretion, in discipline up to and including expulsion from school.  

Grade Equivalencies: This is the following grade system that used at St. Jerome School

  1. A is 93%-100%
  2. B is 85%-92%
  3. C is 77%-84%
  4. D: 70%-76%
  5. U: 69%-0%

All grades 1st-8th will use this grading system.


Health: These are the requirements from the State of Illinois

    • All children entering preschool
    • All children entering Kindergarten
    • All children entering 5th grade
    • All children entering school for the first time
    • All children entering from another state or country

Immunizations must be updated in their physical examination. In addition, dental exams are strongly recommended. If students don’t have their records in by the first day of school, they will be excluded from school until all physical and dental records are in the school office. 

Illness: If the child has a sore throat, earache, nasal discharge, skin rash, eye infection, persistent cough or tempteture over 99.6 degrees the child should be at home. If a child becomes ill during the school day, parents will be called at work or at home. Parents are responsible to pick up the child. The child will not be dismissed from school to walk alone. 

Inclement Weather: During inclement weather, children will not be allowed in the school until 7:45 A.M. If you want your child to enter earlier, they must be enrolled in our Before-Care Program. Children who wear boots to school must bring another pair of shoes to wear in school. They must also be kept in a plastic bag for storage. They should also have some type of cloth to clean off their boots before placing them in a bag. NO SHOE BOOT or CONSTRUCTION TYPE BOOT may be worn during the school day. 

Interviews and Visits: Teachers are always happy to met with all parents. Best results are obtained when teachers and families work together. Conferences will not occur during class time. They must be arranged before class starts or at the end of a school day. Please call the office to set up an appointment. No one will be permitted to visit the classrooms without knowledge and permission of the teacher or the principal. 

Lunch Program: Hot Lunch is available to all school children in grades K-8th and is paid on a monthly basis. The students may purchase the entire lunch including milk or milk only. Lunch order forms and payment are due by the date printed on the order form and will not be accepted after that date. Lunch fees can be paid by cash or personal check. Any checks that are returned to us for non-sufficient funds will occur a $30.00 fee. NSF fee will result in the loss of check writing privileges. Lunch must be purchased for the entire month it cannot be purchased on a day-to-day basis. If your child forgets their lunch at home, the school will provide a lunch for them that day. You will then be asked to remit payment for the lunch to the school office by the following day. It is the policy of St. Jerome School not to refund of monies paid for days that are lost due to weather, field trips, or sick days etc. Lunch order forms that are not accompanied by the correct fee will be immediately returned and will be considered unpaid until the proper amount is paid. Finally, NO OUTSIDE LUNCHES are permitted in the school. Please direct any questions or concerns to Mrs. Pauline Dengler. 

Free and Reduced Lunches: St. Jerome School participates in the State of Illinois Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program. It is available to all students in grades K-8th. Qualifications for this program are based on income and family size. Income requirement as well as applications for this program are available in the school office and can be applied for at anytime during the school year. The identity of the children that participate in the program is kept strictly confidential. We encourage our school families to take advantage of this worthwhile program. Please direct any questions regarding this program to Mrs. Pauline Dengler. 

Lost and Found: Articles turned into the office will be kept for one month. At the end of the month, they will be discarded. Parents are encouraged to place their child’s name in their school clothing. 

Lunch Recess: These are the following times for lunch and recess for our students.

Kg-4th Lunch is at 11:30-11:50 Recess is from 11:50-12:05

5th-8th Lunch is at 12:00-12:20 Recess is from 12:20-12:30 

Money: All monies sent to the office should be placed in an envelope with the students name, grade, amount and purpose. Large amounts of money should be sent by check or money order. 

Non-Catholic in Our School: The non-Catholic applicant should understand, accept and will be willing to support actively the philosophy and goals of the school. They should realize that non-catholic students will attend liturgies, programs of service, religion classes, as these areas are integral parts of our school. The staff needs to be sensitive to the ability of the non-catholic student to understand and be respectful of his or her religious convictions. All students will be respectful of each other’s religious beliefs and practices. 

Parent/Guardian Communication Envelopes: Communication between the school and the home is vital to a child’s education. The “Parent/Guardian Communication Envelopes” is used to convey important information to the home. There will be two folders being sent home this year. The first will be sent home on Monday’s and will contain all your child’s work from the previous week. Look over the graded assignments and return the folder and signed sheet to school the next day. The second folder will be our traditional Thursday Folder. This will contain letters form the office, organizations and the parish itself. Please review the enclosed material and return the folder and signed sheet the next school day. THE THUSDAY FOLDER WILL ONLY GO HOME WITH THE OLDEST AND ONLY CHILD IN THE FAMILY. 

Safety: At all times parents should encourage their children to follow the following safety rules.

    • Walking to School: Students should only cross at the crosswalks.
    • Snowballs ETC: No throwing of snowballs on school grounds and skitching on to vehicles is very dangerous and is not permitted.
    • Fire Drills: Fire Drills are conducted at least once month. All students are made aware of the exits and precautions to be taken.
    • Tornado Warnings: If there is warning, the students will be taken to the parish hall. Students will not be sent home during a warning.

Tardiness: School doors open at 7:50 A.M. Students arriving after 8:00 A.M. will be tardy and receive an automatic detention for being late. There will be a $10.00 fee attached to the detention. 

Telephone Calls: The school telephones are installed for official school use. Children will not be allowed to use the phone for left assignments, forgotten gym outfits, lunches, permission slips, etc. 

Telephone Messages: Parents and Guardians are encouraged to call both teachers and the school office with questions and concerns. All calls directed to the teacher will be placed in their mailbox and they will return your call at their earliest convenience. 

Traffic: In the morning, yellow horses are placed on Princeton Ave. Cars can only drive south to north. Drive up to the door and do a kiss and ride. The Principal or some other adult will be there to assist you in case of emergency. During the pickup, Princeton Ave is blocked on one side. Cars can only drive south to north. Cars can line up and as parents pick up their children and other cars can take their place. The Principal or some other adult is usually out there to assist if necessary. 

Tuition: Tuition is due on the 15th of every month. Parents are able to choose two tuition plans. Any return checks or late will be additional fees applied to the tuition account. If you become behind in tuition your child will not be able to go on fieldtrips, no progress reports or report cards and transfer papers will not be completed until all financial obligations are met. 

Uniforms: All students are expected to be in proper uniform at all times. Preschool children do not wear the school uniform. 

Uniforms are available at: Schoolbelles

                                          6223 W. 79th Street

                                          Burbank, Illinois 60459


The Uniform Code is as follows:

Girls Kg-8th   (Monday-Thursday)

    • Blue Blouse which can be short or long sleeve
    • Blue Plaid Skirt Knee Length or Culottes
    • Navy/White Cardigan Sweater or School Sweatshirt (Not the Gym Sweatshirt)
    • St. Jerome Navy Fleece Pull Over
    • Plain white or navy socks
    • Dark dress shoes. NO PLATFORMS NO GYM SHOES
    • School shorts from April 1st to Nov 1st
    • No Nylons
    • No Dangling Earrings
    • No Make up or Nail Polish
    • No! No! No! Hair Coloring.

Boys Kg-8th  (Monday-Thursday)

    • Powder Blue short sleeve knit shirt (Polo)
    • Navy Blue Pants
    • Navy Blue/White Sweater or School Sweatshirt (Not the Gym Sweatshirt)
    • Dark Colored Dress Shoes
    • Shorts from April 1st to Nov 1st
    • St. Jerome Navy Fleece Pull Over
    • Navy or White Socks
    • Hair Neatly Trimmed
    • No Earrings
    • No! No! No! Hair Coloring

Please note: All blouses and shirts must be tucked in at all times. 

Gym Uniform (Friday Only)

    • Official royal blue gym shirt or sweatshirt
    • White St. Jerome T-Shirt
    • Official royal blue gym shorts or sweatpants
    • Gym Shoes must be fully laced and tied
    • NO GYM UNIFORM NO GYM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failure to follow the uniform code will result in an automatic detention. 

Visitors: Parents are welcome in the school as observers providing advance notice and approval by the principal. Anyone entering the school building must sign in and be given a visitors pass.

Water Bottles: Students will be able to have water bottles in school when the temperature outside is 80 degrees or above.



St. Jerome School

2801 S. Princeton

        Chicago, Illinois 60616


Dear Parents, 

Please read over this parent/student handbook. Please review the rules and procedures to your child at their appropriate level. Once again, I would like to thank each one of you for your continued help and support. 

Sincerely yours,


Peter Trumblay

Principal of St. Jerome School


I have read the handbook over and explained the rules and regulations to my child/children.


Parent Signature: _______________________________________________


Student Signature: _______________________________________________


Student Signature: ______________________________________________


Note: Every child, who attends St. Jerome School must sign this sheet and agree to follow the rules of the school. Your child needs to bring this signed sheet back to school by _________________________. If the sheet is not return by the due date, your child will get a detention every day it is late and a $15.00 fee for each detention your child receives.


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