July 15 - 22, 2001
   July 8 - 15, 2001
   July 1 - 8, 2001

JULY 22 - 29, 2001

   June 24 - July 1, 2001

Mass Intentions

Monday  - July 23, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić -----------------------------Katica Kosić i ob.

Jean Aljinovich ------------------------------------Josephine Hanson

 Tuesday -  July 24, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić ...................................Marija Kosić i ob.

Cannie Caponigro ---------------------------------Marian  Segvich

Wednesday - July 25, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Babić ----------------------Mirjana i Dujo Šušnjara

Ivan Kosić --------------------------------------------Katica Kosić i ob

Jerry Mosiej ------------------------------------------------Millie Balich

Thursday -  July 26, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Babić----------------------Mirjana i Dujo Šušnjara

Dobrica Petrović ------------------------------------------Ana Braškić

Friday  - July 27, 2001

7:30 A.M. Margaret Marcello ------------------------------------fam.

Ivan Kosić -------------------------------------------Katica Kosić i ob.

Ivan i Ana Mlinarić ---------------------------------------sin Ivan i ob.

Saturday - July 28, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić -------------------------Zdravko i Luca Šego

5:30 P.M. Connie Ann Caponigro ---------------Jeannie Agelson

Clyde Morrison ----------------------------------------wife Rose Mary

Frank Bo Munizzi ---------------------------------------Cathy Amatto

Jean Aljinovich -------------------------------------------Charles Faro

 Sunday -  July 29, 2001

7:30 A.M. Jenny Peso ---------------------------------------------fam.

Joseph Gagliano ----------------------------------Debby Kodžoman

9:30 A.M. Jean Aljinovich ----------------------.-Marian Segvich

Ivan Prskalo -------------------------------------------Matilda Prskalo


11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Meri Nikolić ------------------------------------------------Grgo Nikolić

Matija Šušnjara ----------------------------------------muž Stipe i ob.

Luca Lišnić -------------------------------------Nediljko Šimunić i ob.

Ivan Božić Barušić --------------------------zet Lovre Perajica i ob.

Anđa Tokoć ---------------------------------------Theresa Nagy i ob.

Na čast sv.  Ivi ---------------------------------------------Ob.  Tomić

Ivan Kosić --------------------------------------------Franjo Mulc i ob.

Na čast Majci Božjoj -----------------------------------Anica Badrov

Stipe Pervan -----------------------------------------------------------ob.

Anpa Tokić -----------------------------------------------Ob.  Hostićka

Marija Šumera -------------------------------------------Ob.  Hostićka

Mile Kodžoman ------------------------------------Krešo Mišetić i ob.

Miro Barešić ------------------------------------------------------prijatelj

Blažo Rimac -----------------------------Ante i Danica Mlinarić i ob.

Za pok. iz ob. Ante i Danice Mlinarić ----- Ivan i Danica Mlinarić



Saturday, July 28, 5:30 P.M. D.  Crane

Sunday, July 29, 7:30 A.M. M.  Passarelli

Sunday, July 29, 9:30 A.M. G.  Cortese

Nedjelja, 29.  srpnja 11:00 A.M. Antonia Tomić, Tihana Jurković


Saturday, July 28, 5:30 P.M.  B.  Kennz, A.  Raddatz, J.  Segvich

Sunday, July 29, 9:30 A.M. A Ciaravino, K.  Mossman, Racinowski

Nedjelja, 29.  srpnja 11:00 A.M.  Z.  Jureta, A.  Kraljević, A.  Bušnjeta, D.  Obradović




The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on Wednesday, August 15th.  NOVENA for the feast begins on Monday, August 6 at 7P.M. mass.  The mass schedule during the novena is as follows: weekdays at 7P.M., Saturday at 5:30P.M., Sunday at 6P.M.  The rosary will be  recited half an hour before mass.  Masses on the day of the feast will be  at 7:30, 9, 11 A.M., and 7 P.M.  The traditional procession will begin after 9A.M. mass.  Aft er the procession a solemn high mass will be celebrated at 11:00 A.M.  Fr. Marko Puljic, pastor of St.  Lucy Croatian Parish in Troy, Michigan, will preside at the 11A.M. mass


St.  Jerome School is looking for parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles to take a few moments of their time and help educate our students through the example of service to others.  Jesus calls each of us by name to help those in need.  Our school needs your help.  Volunteers are needed in the areas of Lunch Supervisors, Playground Supervisors, Teacher Aides, and Office Aides.  The more help we get, the better our school will be.  If you have any questions or want to sign up, please call the school office and ask for Mr.  Peter Trumblay.



Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 26th when St.  Jerome will host its annual Dinner and Fashion Show at the Martinique in Evergreen Park.  This event is a long-standing tradition, spanning 5 decades, and is an evening filled with fun!  Tickets will be on sale August 1st and will cost $29.00.  The price includes an entertaining fashion show by That Girl Boutique, dinner, and open bar, so please plan on joining us.  For information or tickets contact Pauline Dengler at 773/268-3859 or Denise Bertucci at 312/842-8551.

 THANK YOU to the family of Vincent J.  Brdar for the gift to our church of a new  small chalice in his memory.



Tickets for the Big Raffle (1st prize $3,000) have been mailed to all parishioners.  Please support this major event by buying or selling your tickets.  If you need more tickets, please call the rectory.  Thank you!  Your participation is appreciated.


ADORATION every Thursday evening, 7-8:30.  Please join us. 



The following note was received from Fr. Philip Phiri, missionary priest of the St. Patrick Fathers, who recently visited our parish to make an appeal.

Dear Fr.Grubisic,

I am greeting you most sincerely.  This card comes to you as an expression of my sincere, deep, and profound thanks to you and to your congregation for your welcome and support you accorded me whilst I was there last weekend.  I am thanking you also for the contribution you generously made for the mission appeal.  May God bless you all.     

Fr.  Philip Phiri

                 THE FAITHFUL SOUL 

I will listen to what the Lord God will say to me. (Psalm 85:9)  Blessed is the soul that listens when the Lord speaks to it  (I Sam.3:9) and receives consoling words from His lips.

Blessed are the ears that are attuned to God=s quiet whisper and ignore the world=s raucous sounds.  Blessed, indeed, are the ears that disregard the noises outside and wholly attend to the voice teaching truth within.

Blessed are the eyes that are closed to the outer world and are fixed on interior things.  Blessed are they who discover these inward realities and try to prepare themselves by daily prayerful exercises to better understand the secrets of heaven.

Blessed are they who are wholly occupied with God and have shaken off the manacles of the world.

 My soul, pay attention to these matters and close tightly the doors of your senses so that you may only hear what the Lord speaks to you.

Thus says your Beloved: "I am your salvation, (Ps. 35:3) your peace, and your life.  Keep close to Me and you shall find peace."  Do not waste your time on temporal things but seek those that are eternal.  What are temporal things if not deceitful illusions?  Furthermore, what good are all creatures if the Creator has forsaken you?  Once you have set aside all earthly things, make yourself pleasing to your Creator and be faithful to Him so that you may arrive at true happiness.

The Imitation of Christ by  Thomas a Kempis


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