Oct. 28 - Nov. 4, 2001
   Oct. 21 - 28, 2001              NOV. 4 - 11, 2001
   Oct. 14 - 21, 2001

Mass Intentions

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                                       Saint of the Day

Monday, November 5,  2001  

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić..................................... .Marica Ostojić.

Anđa Tokić.............................................. Stipe Brajković i ob.

Anka Ančić.......................................... Obitelj Duje Šušnjara

Ann Yolich............................................ John and Gen Botica

Tuesday - Utorak, November 6, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić...................................... Marica Ostojić.

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Anka Ančić...................................................... Albina Pauletić

Ivan Badrov........................................................ Zrinka Jureta

 Wednesday-Srijeda, November 7, 2001

7:30 A.M. Gianna Vacarello.......................... Debra Thorne

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Valerija Babić

Anka Ančić........................................................ Valerija Babić

Thursday - Četvrtak, November 8, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić....................................... Marica Ostojić

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Anka Ančić      .................................................. Duško Bilonić

Ralph Batastini................................................... Ann Contino

Friday - Petak , November 9, 2001

7:30 A.M. Clyde Morrison............................ wife Rosemary

Anđa Tokić.............................................. Stipe Brajković i ob.

Anka Ančić........................................................ Tony Hostićka

Anka Ančić.................................................. Tomislav Erkapić

Special Intention................................................. Diane Krolo

Bob Hanson............................................... wife and children

Mile Kodžoman............................................................. family

Saturday - Subota, November 10, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić....................................... Marica Ostojić

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Anka Ančić..................................................... Mate Obradović

Anka Ančić................................................................ Ivan Bajić

5:30 P.M. Nicholas Milicevich...................................... family

Elizabeth Valela......................... Debora Magyar and family

Philomena Ann and Basil Ivan Lamb........... Ivanna Lamb

Anna Marie Nisivaco .......................  Connie and Mary Frat

Previte family.............................. niece Catherine Swanson

 Sunday, November 11, 2001

7:30 Deceased of  Kraslen family......................... brothers

Joseph Gagliano.................................................. Mary Tadin

Joseph Zekich.................................................... Katica Kosić

9:30 A.M.Ivan Prskalo.................................. Matilda Prskalo

Fred Siani........................................................................... wife

Angie Pudar.................................... Louis and Mary Scalise

11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Tomo Fučak i roditelji................................................ prijatelji

Matija Šušnjara......................................... muž Stipe i obitelj

Giranda Angela................................................ Mile Rak i ob.

Ivan Kosić......................................................... Marica Ostojić

Anđa Tokić............................................... Nediljko Šipić i ob.

Jozo i Pavo Žgela.................................... Milka Vuković i ob.

Ivan Kosić............................................... Marija i John Kosić

Ivan Badrov........................................................ Obitelj Jureta

Željko Gačić........................ Obitelj Ante i Danica Mlinarić

Stipe Pervan……………………………    …Obitelj Pervan

Manda Šive………………………………..   Obitelj Šumera

Mirko Šušnjara………………………………Stipe Šušnjara

Ante Kosir………………………….Obitelj Ivan i Silvija Kosir

Č i  T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, November 10, 5:30 P.M.  R. Bazin

Sunday, November 11, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, November 11, 9:30 A.M.  J. Zekich

Nedjelja, 11. studenog 11 A.M. Anita Kosir i Davorka Novak


Saturday, November 10, 5:30 P.M. Babich, Cannatello, Ciaravino

Sunday, November 11, 9:30 A.M.  Huels, Lenart, Mossman

Nedjelja, 11. studenog 11:00 A.M. M. Jurković, A. Bušljeta i A. Mlinarić

WEDDING BANNS: Marijan Galić & Marijana Kajić

Kelly Bertucci and John Molloy


Today's gospel is about a little man who was a big man. No, it's not an old Dustin Hoffman movie. The gospel is about a short man named Zacchaeus who was a tax collector. Like all people short of stature, he had to put up with people treating him as though he were a child. He had to put up with people who saw power in relationship to size. Perhaps like some people in his situation, he found a way to have power over those who were much taller and stronger than he was. Zacchaeus learned accounting and took a job working for the Romans. Strong people and  tall people would come to him with hat in hand, pleading with him to have mercy on them and not demand of them the little money on which they had to live. He was short, but he was one of the most powerful men  in Jericho. He had the power of Rome behind him. He had the last laugh, or so he thought. Then he heard the disturbance. Jesus of Nazareth had entered Jericho. A huge crowd had formed to hear what he had to say and to beg for healing. Zacchaeus was as curious as everyone else  to know who this Jesus was,  but he couldn't even see him because the crowd was so thick and he was so short. So, he climbed the tree, watched Jesus, decided that his life had to be changed, and was transformed.  Jesus had said to him , "Come down from that tree, Zacchaeus. I am going to eat at your house tonight."  That is why Zacchaeus left his  position of importance  and  power. He traded  the power of the world for the power of the Lord. He knew his riches were achieved dishonestly, so he gave half of what he owned to the poor, and declared that he would repay in fourfold anyone he had cheated. With Jesus Christ and the Power of the Kingdom of God in his heart, the little man had become quite big..


The challenge of sainthood is to go where love takes you.  Any job can become a ministry as long   as it is dedicated to love.  Our peace lies in loving as God loves, so we must strive to love everyone.  The only love that completes us is the love of God, and the love of God is the love of  everyone.  Whatever you do, do it for God.  With him there are no regrets because  Athe steadfast  love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting@ (Psalm 103:17).   This is the credo of all the saints and the hope of all souls.

* May there always be work for your hands to do.* May your purse always hold a coin or two.* May the sun always shine on your windowpane.* May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.* May the hand of a friend always be near you.* May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.                                     (Irish blessing)


Mark your calendars and tell your friends. The H.S.A. will be sponsoring its annual Breakfast with Santa on November 25th in the school hall.More details to come...

"A Century of Fidelity"   - BOOK PRESENTATION

A  new book chronicling the history of our Croatian Franciscans in the U.S. and Canada,  A Century of Fidelity, will be presented in our hall this Sunday, November 4.  A buffet of  homemade food will be served at 12:30 P.M. and the presentation will begin at 1 P.M.  The book is an account of the 100 years that our Croatian Franciscans have spent ministering in North America. Fr. Marko Puljic, Custos of the Croatian Franciscans in N.A., will introduce the book. The presentation will be made by Fr. Marko Puljic, Custos; one of its authors, Fr. Joe; and the artist whose work appears in it, Francis Penavic.  THE BOOK IS WRITTEN IN ENGLISH AND CROATIAN!

"Late Nite Catechism" is coming!

Mark your calendars and round up your friends and family. The play "Late Nite Catechism" will be performed at our parish on Saturday, April 20, 2002.  You'll be able to join the class as Sister takes you back to the days of the  Latin Mass, meatless Fridays, and that good old ruler across the knuckles! The New World gives the show a "gold star". It is one of the longest-running comedies in Chicago theater. Plan on joining us and laugh your sins off!

The Bridgeport Choral Society will perform  a special benefit concert at OUR CHURCH on Sunday,  November 25, 2001, at 3:00 P.M. to aid  the victims of terrorism.  Please mark your calendar for this event.

Update for New Envelopes

We are about to print new church envelopes. If you or any of your family members are not registered as parishioners,  please let us know. Come to the office and register.  Registered parishioners whose information has changed due to marriage, births, deaths, address, telephone, etc., should contact the rectory to update our records.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Men's Evening of Reflection at St.  Lucy's  

An evening of spiritual renewal, good company, and good food is planned for Friday, Nov.9 in St.  Lucy's church hall. Donation $10 FMI 312 8426115.  

New Altar Servers  New candidates for altar servers will be solemnly received during the 9:30 A.M. mass on Sunday, November 25, the Feast of Christ the King. If you would like your child to become an altar server, please contact Eva Mossman (312/842-5485), or call the rectory. Parents, please encourage your children to give of their time in the service of the Lord.  

ST. JEROME 90TH ANNIVERSARY  - Mark your calendars for October 6, 2002.  Our celebration will begin with a High Mass in the early afternoon, followed by an evening of dinner and entertainment at the Sheraton Hotel in the Loop.  Also, we are looking for any photos or videos from parish events or family  events at the parish. Please send these to the rectory clearly marked with your name and address so that we can return them.  


Did you know that you can recycle newspaper, magazines, and shopping catalogs at our school?  Did you also know that our school earns money for paper dropped off at the green and yellow "Paper Retriever" bin in our campus?  This is an easy way for you to recycle household paper and help raise money for projects like computers, books, and many new things that it takes to run a school.  Please remember to bring your paper to the parish parking lot and drop it off in the bin.  There is no financial commitment from you, just bring your paper.  Furthermore, share this information with your family and your neighbors.  Make this a community event.  Finally, thank you for your continued support of this important event.  

Apartment for Rent: 29th /Wells,2nd floor,3 bedrooms708 430 0316.

For Rent: Vic. of 31st and Princeton, garden apart., central heat, air conditioned, 3 rooms, full bath, walk-in closet, newly painted and carpeted, elec. stove.  Pay own utilities, $475 per month. Non-smoker and no pets. Call: 312 842-6313.  

For Rent: 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 29th Shields 312/225-2864

Thought of the Week

"Those we hold most dear never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they showed, the comfort they shared, and the love they brought into our lives."

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