Marijino društvo - hodočašće 2009


Duhovna obnova

S vremena na vrijeme Marijino društvo župe Sv. Jeronima u Chicagu odlazi na duhovne obnove. One se održavaju u svetištima i poznatim hodočasničkim mjestima  u blizini Chicaga. Do sada su posjetili Holy Hill, Darien, Mundelein, Techny, a u korizmi ove 2009. godine  duhovna obnova je održana u dva zanimljiva mjesta: svetištu koje vode Karmelićani u Munster, IN i svetištu muke Kristove u St. John, IN.
U prvom svetištu bilo je zanimljivo doživjeti mjesto napravljeno od kamena iz raznih dijelova svijeta, doživjeti tišinu prolaza kroz novozavjetne tekstove i svetište preneseno iz Poljske u američku Indianu.
Svetište Muke Kristove bilo je posebice zanimljivo. Pokrenuto entuzijazmom nekoliko pojedinaca, izraslo je u mjesto velikih pohoda i razumijevanja Kristova križnog puta. Nova crkva Sv. Ivana evanđeliste bijaše zadnji cilj naših susreta. Nova, velika crkva (13.5 milijuna dolara) postala je središnje mjesto ovih malih gradića na sjeveru Indiane. Ovaj dan ispunjen snagom Duha i doživljajima posjećenih mjesta bijaše mjesto novih početaka za svakog pojedinca.


Day of Retreat

From time to time the Marian Society of St. Jerome Parish in Chicago makes a one day retreat. These days of spiritual renewal are conducted at shrines and well known destinations for pilgrimages in the Chicagoland area. Thus far they have visited shrines in holy Hill, Darien, Mundelein and Techny. This year as part of the Lenten season, the retreat was held at two interesting places: the Polish Carmelite shrine in Munster, IN and the Shrine of Christ’s Passion in St. John, IN.
At the monastery in Munster, it was especially interesting to visit shrines made from stone gathered from various places in the world, and experience the silence that pervaded the holy space depicting New Testament texts. The shrine is an example of the faith that was carried from Poland to America.

The Shrine of Christ’s passion was especially moving. Begun by the enthusiasm of several individuals, this shrine grew to become a place that expresses a deep understanding of Christ’s way of the cross. The church of St. John the Evangelist was the last destination of our day. This new and very large (13.5 million dollar) church, across the road from the Passion Shrine, has become the center of this little town in northern Indiana. Our day was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and the experience of visiting these places inspired a new spiritual beginning for all those who made this pilgrimage.



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