Duhovni događaj ADVENTA. 16. prosinca 2004. s nama je bila TATIANA—Tajči, mnogima već dobro poznata. Ona je u Americi do sada održala oko 300 koncerata duhovne glazbe i napunila mnoge dvorane i crkve. Te večeri smo u našoj crkvi zajedno s njom imali prigodu uživati u Božićnom programu, doživjeti Božić na jedan izvanredan način. Entertainment Magazine je nedavno u jednom svom izdanju napisao o njoj: « Tatjanina glazba nadilazi sve vjere i dodiruje najtvrđa srca.» Njezin glas i njezin dar odjekuje Amerikom. Već je za njom potražnja i u drugim zemljama poput Australije, Filipina i europskih zemalja. Ova mlada dama nosi u svom srcu priču ljubavi, slave, rata i sna svakog čovjeka. Njena glazba govori snažno i dodiruje duboko u dno duše. POSEBNI GOSTI OVE VEČERI BILE SU "ZAGREBAČKE ZVIJEZDICE”, zbor djece, njih 50. Zvjezdice su dobitnice mnogih domaćih i međunarodnih nagrada u Norveškoj, Italiji, Austriji, Sloveniji, a najnovija nagrada je dvostruka pobjeda na svjetskom festivalu zborova u Llangollenu, u Sjevernom Walesu. Nizom nastupa u godinama borbe za hrvatsku samostalnost pridonijele su afirmaciji i ugledu svoje domovine. Europska federacija zborova unije, koja djeluje pri Europskom parlamentu u Bruxellesu, nedavno ih je proglasila kulturnim veleposlanikom za Republiku Hrvatsku. Tako smo dobili i našu dječju diplomaciju koja svoju voljenu domovinu predstavlja pjesmom, glasovima i umjetnošću. Ovdje slijedi nekoliko slika s te nezaboravne večeri. Advent is a time of gentleness and preparation for Christmas. Amid all of the material preparations for the feast of Our Lord’s birth, we especially need time to prepare spiritually. Tatiana’s singing combines with the powerful message of Gospel truth. It is simultaneously pleasing, moving, and prayerful. Entertainment Magazine declares that “Tatiana’s music transcends all faiths and touches the hardest of hearts.” Her life tells a story of love, fame, war, and finally discovering and following her dream. Her music speaks about these profound experiences and touches her audiences in return. Many, even those not hoping or expecting to, will return to their homes moved and inspired by the deep faith expressed in song. Raised in a musical family, she was singing with her father’s band when she was only four years old. Tatiana was admitted to the prestigious Croatian Music Conservatory where she received a rigorous music education with a focus on classical piano. As a young girl, she was a frequent performer on the national stage, appearing in countless musical, theatrical, and television productions. Tajci sings in nine languages. Her records have achieved Platinum and Diamond sales. She was joined by additional musicians and singers to perform marvelous compositions that weave a finely crafted musical tapestry. On Thursday, December 16 in our church we enjoyed a Christmas program with Tatiana and relive Christmas in a most beautiful way. SPECIAL GUESTS WITH TATIANA: LITTLE STARS is a famous children’s choir composed of 50 young boys and girls. They toured the United States and held a special performance downtown at Daley Plaza. On that same day in the evening, we were able to enjoy their wonderful music here in our church when they join Tatiana to perform for us. World champions and cultural ambassadors of the European Union, "Little Stars" originates from the Zagreb, Croatia Youth Center Singing Studio. Exceeding international standards, choir preadmission requirements are indeed stringent, requiring the highest personal dedication and professionalism of choir member candidates. Spending several hours every day in rehearsal, for a minimum of two years, candidates are required to perform in a high artistic level, hundreds of complex musical scores. Finally, with the candidates harmony, tonal resonance and diction honed to brilliant perfection, directorial permission is then granted and the candidate submits himself to the Youth Center Singing Studio’s Directorial Review Board. Here are some photos from that evening.