Medjugorje Anniversary 2010



I ove godine spominjasmo se događaja Međugorja. U petak  25. lipnja obilježena je 29. godišnjicu događanja u Međugorju. Svečanu svetu misu predvodio je  Fr. Rick Wendel, svećenik iz  nadbiskupije Milwaukee. On je postao svećenik kasnije u životu, te je zaređen 2006.,  nakon što je bio stolar po zanimanju kroz 30 godina. Na početku njegava puta prema svećeništvu, Rick je imao jednu nesreću zbog koje je ostao klinički mrtav.  Kasnije pri odlasku u Međugorje doživio je poziv za svećenika. Poseban gost ove večeri bio je gospodin Drew Mariani, poznati radio voditelj koji ima svoj talk show koji doseže do 40ak milijuna ljudi. svaki dan od 2 do 6 poslije podne. Gospodin Mariani je primio mnoge nagrade za svoj rad na dokumentarnim filmovima i proputovao je svijet izvješćujuci o ukazanjima i drugim mističnim događajima. Bijaše to vrijeme  duhovne obnove, susreta i molitve.


Again this year our parish commemorated the events in Medugorje.  Friday, June 25, was the 29th anniversary of the Marian apparitions there. A special Mass was presided over by Fr. Rick Wendel  of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, was ordained later in life, in 2006, after having previously been a 30-year-old carpenter. At the beginning of his journey to the priesthood, he experienced a construction accident that left him clinically dead for nearly three hours. Later, on a trip to Medjugorje, he experienced a personal call to the priesthood, which he answered. Currently, Wendell serves a trio of rural parishes in the Milwaukee Archdiocese.  

A special guest for this evening was Mr. Drew Mariani, a national talk show host. He has since August 2004 been with the Relevant Radio network, which can reach 49 million people. In Chicago, “The Drew Mariani Show” can be heard on 950 AM, Monday to Friday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mr. Mariani is pioneering an engaging form of Catholic talk radio that applies the wisdom of a faithful Roman Catholic perspective to the issues of our times, our nation, and our homes. Mr. Mariani has won many awards for his film documentaries, and has traveled the globe to report on apparitions and other mystical events.

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