2010. BILE SU zagrebačke
"ZVJEZDICE” – zbor 50 djevojaka iz Zagreba.
Zvjezdice su dobitnice mnogih domaćih i međunarodnih nagrada u Norveškoj, Italiji, Austriji, Sloveniji, te pobjednice na najboljim Europskim festivalima uključujući i svjetski festival zborova u Llangollenu, u Sjevernom Walesu. Nastupale su u Americi, Kanadi, Australiji, Maleziji, Francuskoj, Britaniji, Njemačkoj, Italiji i mnogim drugim zemljama. Europska federacija zborova unije, koja djeluje pri Europskom parlamentu u Bruxellesu, nedavno ih je proglasila kulturnim veleposlanikom za Hrvatsku.
Ovo je bila zaista biti veličanstvena večer divne glazbe s hrvatskim djevojkama koje su obišle svijet. Ovaj koncert u Sv. Jeronimu, u petak 10. prosinca 2010. dio je njihove američke turneje koja uključuje i koncert u poznatog Lincoln Centru u New Yorku.
Top girls choir from Europe
at St. Jerome’s
The famous “Little Stars” choir performed a gala concert in St. Jerome’s Church on Friday, December 10, 2010. All in attendance experienced amazing singing in several languages by this young women’s choir, which is among the best in Europe.
Based in Zagreb, Croatia, the “Little Stars” have brought their singing to enthusiastic audiences all around the world, including the U.S., Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Ireland, Italy, Norway, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Russia and Slovenia.
The “Little Stars” twice received the award for best performance at the International Choir Festival in North Wales, and they received the International Youth Choir Festival’s award for the best performance of a contemporary composition. They sang a wide range of music with all their hearts. This special concert is a part of their US Tour that includes New York’s Lincoln center.