July 22 - 29, 2001
   July 15 - 22, 2001
   July 8 - 15, 2001
   July 1 - 8, 2001

JULY 29 - AUG. 5, 2001

Mass Intentions

Monday, July 30, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić----------------------------------Anica Ostojic

Mary Catizone ......................................................Marion Roti


 Tuesday, July 31, 2001

7:30 A.M. Clyde Morrison---------------------------wife Rosemary

Kathleen P.  Alvir-------------------------------------------Mary Vujic

Wednesday, August 1, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosic------------------------------------Anica Ostojic

Sophie Bonello(10th Ann.) .................................Friend Giggie  

Thursday, August 2, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosic------------------------------------Anica Ostojic  

Friday,  August 3, 2001

7:30 A.M. In thanksgiving-----------------------------Gerard Fratto

Ivan Kosic--------------------------------------------------Anica Ostojic  

Saturday,  August 4, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosiƒ ---------------------------Henrik i Mila Solina

5:30 P.M. Josip i Matija Martincic------------Jean i John Kirincic

Sam Passarelli-------------------------------------------Mary Wagner

Frank (Bo) Munizzi----------------------------------------Millie Balich

Philomena Ann Basic & Basil Ivan Lamb.----------Ivanna Lamb


 Sunday, August 5, 2001


7:30 A.M. Joseph & Mary Popovich-------------------------Jerome

9:30 A.M. Peter & Juliana Perisin-----------------------------family

Thanksgiving to Blessed Virgin Mary------------------Diane Krolo

11:00 A.M.:

Anica Lerotic----------------------------------------kci Ivanka i obitelj

Tomislav Hosticka-------------------------------------------------obitelj

Matija Susnjara-------------------------------------------Stipe i obitelj

Peter Zeljkovic----------------------------Mr.& Mrs.  Peter Zeljkovic

Luca Lisnic--------------------------------------------obitelj Luka Bajic

Ika Perajica-------------------------------------------sin Lovre i obitelj

Ante Beritic----------------------------------Maja Dugandzic i obitelj

Pokojni iz obitelj Jureta-------------obitelj Ante i Danica Mlinaric

Stipe Pervan--------------------------------------------------------obitelj

Anda Tokic-------------------------------------Theresa Nagy i obitelj

Stipo Matijevic------------------------------------------------Luca Zeba

Na cast Sv.  Josipu---------------------------------------obitelj Golub

Meri Nikolic-------------------------------------------------Grgo Nikolic

Marko Misenta------------------------------------sin Anthony i obitelj


  L E C T O R S

Saturday, Aug. 4,  5:30 P.M.   D.  Krolo

Sunday, Aug.  5,  7:30 A.M    N. Folino.

Sunday, Aug.  5  9:30 A.M.  M.  Leodoro

Nedjelja, 5. kolovoza 11:00 A.M. Marija Ilić, Mario Pehar



Saturday, Aug.  4, 5:30 P. M.  B.  Cannatello, D.  Dengler, J.  Raddatz

Sunday, Aug. 5, 9:30 A.M. M.  Huels, P.  Lenart, A.  Loring

Nedjelja,  5.  kolovoza 11:00 A.M.  L.  Brčić, J.  Jureta, K.  Zelić, J.  Carlson  


The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on Wednesday, August 15th. 

NOVENA for the feast begins on Monday, August 6 at 7P.M. The  mass schedule during the novena is as follows: weekdays  at 7P.M., Saturday at 5:30P.M., Sunday at 6P.M.  The rosary will be  recited half an hour before mass.  Masses on the day of the feast will be  at 7:30, 9, 11 A.M., and 7 P.M.  The traditional procession will begin after 9A.M. mass.  After the procession a solemn high mass will be celebrated at 11:00 A.M.  Fr. Marko Puljic, pastor of St.  Lucy Croatian Parish in Troy, Michigan, will preside at the 11A.M. mass.


Mary Catizone has passed away.  She was 73.  We express our sympathy to her husband William, son Carmy, and daughters Gina, Carmella, and Kimberly.  May she rest in peace.



Mark your calendar for Wednesday, September 26th when St.  Jerome will host its annual Dinner and Fashion Show at the Martinique in Evergreen Park.  This event is a long-standing tradition, spanning 5 decades, and is an evening filled with fun!  Tickets will be on sale August 1st and will cost $29.00.  The price includes an entertaining fashion show by That Girl Boutique, dinner, and open bar, so please plan on joining us.  For information or tickets contact Pauline Dengler at 773/268-3859 or Denise Bertucci at 312/842-8551.


Tickets for the Big Raffle (1st prize $3,000) have been mailed to all parishioners.  Please support this major event by buying or selling your tickets.  If you need more tickets, please call the rectory.  Thank you!  Your participation is appreciated.


Remarks by John Paul II

Rome, July 23 (AP)-Following are excerpts from Pope John Paul II=s statement to President Bush today:

In recent days, the world's attention has been focused on the process of globalization, which has so greatly accelerated in the past decade and which you and other leaders of the industrialized nations have discussed in Genoa.  While appreciating the opportunities for economic growth and material prosperity which this process offers, the church cannot but express profound concern that our world continues to be divided, no longer by the former political and military blocs, but by a tragic fault line between those who can benefit from these opportunities and those who seem cut off from them..  The revolution of freedom of which I spoke at the United Nations in 1995 must now be completed by a revolution of opportunity, in which all the world=s peoples actively contribute to economic prosperity and share in its fruits.  This requires leadership by those nations whose religious and cultural traditions should make them most attentive to the moral dimension of the issues involved.  Respect for human dignity and belief in the equal dignity of all the members of the human family demand  policies aimed at enabling all peoples to have access to the means required to improve their lives. 

Another area in which political and moral choices have the gravest consequences for the future of civilization concerns the most fundamental of human rights, the right to life itself.  Experience is already showing how a tragic coarsening of consciences accompanies the assault on innocent human life in the womb, leading to accommodation and acquiescence in the face of other related evils such as euthanasia, infanticide, and, most recently, proposals for the creation for research purposes of human embryos, destined to destruction in the process.  A free and virtuous society, which America aspires to be, must reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception until natural death.                   

(The New York Times International - July 23,  2001)



We would like to inform you of the need to replace our school roof.  On July 18 the Parish Council Members decided to hire Raincoat Roofing System, Inc. to do this job.  All plans for a new roof have been approved by the archdiocese.  Work will begin this week.


Notes from the Principal

St.  Jerome School is happy to announce the following additions to the teaching staff.  Mrs.  Maha Ferguson will be teaching  art on Mondays.  Mr.  Larry Haptis will be teaching  music on Wednesdays.  Mr.  Raul DelReal will be teaching  physical education on Fridays.  The St.  Jerome School family welcomes each new  teacher.

If you have a little time on your hands why not consider volunteering at St.  Jerome School?  Volunteers are needed as  teacher aides,  lunch and playground supervisors, and office aides.  The more help we get, the more we are able to accomplish as a school community.  Please consider this great service to the young people of our parish.  For further information please call the school office and talk to Mr.  Peter Trumblay.


St.  Jerome School  proudly announces the new  Home School  Association Officers for 2001-2002 school year.

President: Eva Mossman, Vice-President: Debbie Segvich, Secretary: Anna Kenny, Treasurer: Debbie Miloslavich, Auditor: Kathy Sarkauskas, Sargeant-at-Arms: Toni Mitchell


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