May 26 - Jun 2, 2002
May 19 - 26, 2002
May 12 - 19, 2002                 JUNE 2 - 9, 2002


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Mass Intentions

Monday - Ponedjeljak, June 3, 2002

7:30 A.M. Michael Bilandić................................ Vernile Morgan
Gloria Gorac....................................... Catherine & Nick Perišin
Ozana Sandić...................................................... Ana Braskić

Tuesday - Utorak, June 4, 2002

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić........................................... Josipa Belan
Josephine Mancari............................. Catherine & Nick Perišin
Mate Popović............................................ Obitelj Ante Goreta

Wednesday - Srijeda, June 5, 2002

7:30 A.M. Michael Bilandić............................... Vernile Morgan
Na nakanu .....................................................Ivanka Šušnjara
Na nakanu .....................................................................N. N.

Thursday - Četvrtak, June 6, 2002

7:30 A.M. Na čast sv. Anti......................... Obitelj Pave Badrov
Ana Popović.............................................. Obitelj Ante Goreta
Franka Kosić...................................................... Josipa Belan
7:00 P.M.  Bob Hansen................................................. family

Friday - Petak, June 7, 2002

7:30 A.M. Michael Bilandić.............................. Vernile Morgan
Mate Braskić...................................................... Ana Braskić

7:00 P.M. Ana Vrdoljak................................. Cathy & Andrew
Tomo & Kata Botica.................................. Josephine Hansen

Saturday - Subota, June 8, 2002

7:30 A.M. Caroline Lucarelli............................ daughter Yvonne
Ivan i Vida Markota................................................. Ilija Miletić
Za duše u čistilištu............................. Ivanka i Domagoj Paraga

5:30 P.M. John Kirinčić............................. Jean & John Kirinčić
Deceased friends and relatives...................................... Martha
George & Emma Bubla..................................... Dengler family
Mate, Neda, Charlie Biočić................................. Mary Wagner

Sunday - Nedjelja, June 9, 2002

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert................................ husband Robert
Kraslen family........................................................... brothers
William Smith Haupers............................ Michael Tadin family

9:30 A.M. Monica Fletcher................................. Kathy Amato
Joseph & Mary Popovich................................. Insalaco family
Gloria Gorac..................................................... Cathy Amato

11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Ivan Badrov............................................... Obitelj Marinko Ilić
Tomo Margetić................................................. Ana Margetić
Nevenka i John Milovac.......................... Tomislav Milovac i ob.
Mate i Jaka Čaljkušić................................ Mate Čaljkušić i ob.
Matija Šušnjara............................................... muž Stipe i ob.
Ilija Zeba.................................................. Obitelj Marko Zeba
Mile Kodžoman.................................... Obitelj Ivana Mlinarića
Rose Alebich ............................................Debbie Kodžoman
Special Intetion ...............................................Marge Ostojić
Niko i Petar Badrov...................................... Pavo Badrov i ob.
Stanko Marasović................................. Slavko Marasović i ob.
Angie Marasović................................... Slavko Marasović i ob.
Slavka Mišetić................................................. Obitelj Runac
Ivanka Štrbić....................................... Obitelj Ivana Mlinarića

Č I T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, June 8, 5:30 P.M. Joseph Magyar
Sunday, June 9, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, June 9, 9:30 A.M. Carl Segvich
Nedjelja, 9. lipnja 11 A.M. Zvonimir Kosir i Jasmina Knezović


Saturday, June 8, 5:30 P.M. Cannatello, Huels, Segvich
Sunday, June 9, 9:30 A.M. Olague, Olague, Sanchez
Nedjelja, 9. lipnja 11:00 A.M. K. Jurković, J. Kosir, D. Bajić, N. Babić


Corpus Christi is the feast on which we pay special homage to the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. In a sense we are repeating the beautiful Last Supper gathering in the Upper Room with the celebration it deserves. This was not possible on Holy Thursday because on that occasion the shadow of the cross loomed large in the background. Jesus Christ, in order to keep alive the memory of His great act of love on the Hill of Calvary, on the night before He died left His body and blood as spiritual food to be received in every generation.
This solemnity is a splendid opportunity to reflect on God's most striking gift to us and a timely reminder to renew our faith and deepen our appreciation of the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He is the living bread sent down from heaven as food for our souls to satisfy our deepest spiritual hunger. The Eucharist proclaims that Christ died for our sins so that we might have life and salvation. The Son of God could not have given us a greater proof of His love

TODAY: CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION is today at 10:30 A.M. The Eucharistic Body of Christ will be carried in procession through our local area. We invite everyone to participate in this solemn procession. Please join us.


WEDDING BANNS: Tina Ranogajec and Jerry Kussy (3)

TUESDAY: ST. ANTHONY NOVENA The annual novena in honor of St. Anthony will begin on June 4. Mass will be celebrated each evening during the novena at 7:00 P.M. in our church. Everyone is invited to attend this special devotion.

WEDNESDAY: Movie Series continues this evening at 7P.M. in the small hall with the showing of the 2nd part of the biblical film Samson. Come one and all. Bring the family!

FEAST OF ST. ANTHONY - The annual celebration of St. Anthony's feast day will be on Thursday, June 13th at 7 P.M. at the Croatian Franciscan Monastery (4851 S. Drexel Blvd.). Mass will be concelebrated by several priests, with Fr. Tomislav Puljic as the main celebrant. Novena in honor of St. Anthony will be held each evening from June 4-12 at 7P.M. in the monastery chapel.

MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARIES During our 90th anniversary year we wish to acknowledge all of the couples in our parish who are celebrating special anniversaries (5th, 10th,
15th, 20th, 25th, etc.). Please reserve Sunday, August 25 for a special mass at 9:30 A.M. where, together, all special anniversary couples will renew their marriage vows. Please call the rectory if you plan to attend.

H. S. A. NEWS Copies of "A Taste of St. Jerome"
cookbook will be available for sale following the masses on June 8th and 9th. Cost is $10 per book. For further information contact Kathy Sarkauskas at (773) 376 - 0662.

PRAYER SERVICE Please join us for a Prayer Service Honoring Fathers on Thursday, June 20, at 7:00 P.M. in our church. We are honoring all "fathers" - biological, spiritual, and all father-figures - both living and deceased. This special event is sponsored by the Parish Council.

CONGRATULATIONS to Dan and Theresa Bujas on their 50th wedding anniversary. We are happy to know you and to share our parish life with you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He grant you many blessed and joyful years to come.

CROATIAN CULTURAL CLUB PICNIC - Sunday, June 9, noon to 8 P.M. at Stone City VFW Post - Route 53 - 2423 S. Chicago St. - Joliet. BBQ lamb, chicken, sandwiches, and bakery. Music by Loza - 3:30 - 7:30P.M.

90th ANNIVERSARY INVITATIONS have been mailed to all parishioners and friends. Please respond as to whether or not you will be attending. This is indeed a special occasion. Few parishes reach 90 years as successfully and devotedly as ours. We are indebted to all those who came before us and carried on the journey of faith. In the spirit of thanksgiving and rejoicing we invite everyone to join the celebration!

SACRED SPACE Our church is our sacred space. It is a holy place; therefore, we must respect it as such. This means that we need to dress appropriately, with respect and modesty. It also means that we need to keep it clean. Please refrain from chewing gum in church, and be careful not to leave any papers, wrappers ,etc. Also, please turn off your cell phones.

OUR WEB SITE Please check it for all current parish events. If you are going out of town, you can also find a listing of masses anywhere in the U.S.A. by consulting our web site.

Fr. Franjo Cuturic succeeded Fr. Blaz Jerkovic as pastor of St. Jerome in 1936. He was known for his inspirational preaching and for having the original parish hall built at the corner of 28th and Princeton.

For Rent: 31st Parnell, modern 5rm / 2bdrm apt., 3rd floor. Central air & heat. Very quiet, very clean building. Contact 312 674 - 1348.

28th Princeton (2 apartments) 4rm / 2 bdrm, central heat & air. Laundry facilities. Call 312 842 - 0918

31st Princeton: 4 room apt., air conditioning / heating. Call 312 842 - 6176 and leave message!

Thought of the Week
"Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly."

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