Mar. 10 - 17, 2002
Mar. 3 - 10, 2002
Feb. 24 - Mar. 3, 2002               MAR. 17 - 24, 2002


Important Links:         Daily Meditations         Daily Mass Readings                                                       Saint of the Day

Mass Intentions

Monday, March 18, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Jago Soldo                             Mary Vujić            

Linda Humbert               Frano & Carol Marasovich         

Robert Fitzgerald                             Laurre Domain

Joseph Zekich                                  wife & children

Josephine Calo                John & Jen Botica                                                                                                          


Tuesday, March19, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Luca Badrov         Nevenka Badrov i ob. 

Jozo Balich                                           Millie Balich        

In Honor of st. Joseph                           Mary Fratto

Joseph LoCasto                                    wife & sons

Jozo Balich                                              daughters

Na odluku                                        Josip i Iva Prša

Jenny Borich                                       Danny Abate


 Wednesday, March 20, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Mildred Knowles             Anthomy Paric

Marge Melvan                                      Club Poljica        

Marko Šušnjara                         Elena Bilonić o ob.       


Thursday, March 21, 2002

  7:30 A.M. John Budich                 wife & daughters

Lucille Arando                                                family                                      

Lorraine Cortez                                  family Perišin                                 


Friday - Petak, March 22, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Na nakanu                      Obitelj Karlović

Mildred Knowles                               Anthony Parić            

                 Branko Jurković                   Nevenka Jurković i ob.                                    


Saturday, March 23, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Mildred Knowles               Anthony Parić          

Toma & Kata Botica                           Josie Hanson     

Na čast sv. Anti                             Obitelj Karlović

            5:30 P.M. Louis Mateljan       Jean & John Kirinčić                                               

Louis Basso                                     wife & children

Rose Clementi                                      Mary Fratto

           Robert Fitzgerald                             Dolores Crane                                   


 Sunday, March 24, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Mile Kodžoman          Debby Kodžoman

Mila Tomić                                  Debby Kodžoman

Linda Humbert                              husband Robert

Joseph & Mary Popovich                       by Jerome

Michael Bilandić                         John & Jen Botica


9:30 A. M. Lidija Bakovich             Josie Hanson 

Margaret Melvan        Frano & Carol Marasovich                               


                  11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Matija Šušnjara                             muž Stipe i ob.

Žarko Ostojić                                      ob. Ostojić

Ivan Badrov                              Bože i Stoja Kosir                                

Andrija i Luca Lišnić       sin Tomislav Lišnić i ob.

Ivan Babić                                    Valerija i djeca                    

George Paljetak                  cousin Mato Paljetak

Jure i Jozo Vranjković              Franjo Vranjković                                         

Branko Jurković            Nevenka Jurković i djeca

Stipe Pervan                            Obitelj Iva Ćubelić    

Ivan i Anica Mlinarić                      Lucije Mlinarić

Jozo i Kata Trkalj                Ivan i Anka Uremović            

Grgo i Ana Bilonić                    kći Ana Bajić i ob.     

Anton Šamanić                              Obitelj Jakelja      

Nikola I Grgo Čaljkušić          Mate Čaljkušić i ob.

Tuna I Andrija Štrbić             Vesna Mlinarić i ob.

Petar i Drago Vranjković          Franjo Vranjković

Stipe Pervan                              Hrv. Stranka Prava  


 L E C T O R S  

Saturday, March 16, 5:30 P.M. R. Brcich

Sunday, March 17, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, March 17, 9:30 A.M. J. Zekich

Nedjelja, 17. ožujka 11 A.M. Antonija Tomić i Nataša Džebro



Friday, March 22, 7:00 P.M. Kenny, Mossman

Saturday, March 23, 5:30 P.M. Babich, Dengler, A. Raddatz

Sunday, March 24, 7:30 A.M. Atteo, Segvich 

Sunday, March 24, 9:30 A.M. Ciaravino, Juels, Racinowski

Nedjelja, 24. ožujka 11:00 A.M. D. Obradović, F. Lukežić, D. Hrvojević, K. Jurković  


Our Lord's passionate love for us could not have taken him farther than the Cross. He poured out the ultimate gift, his own life-blood and broken body. His tears, whether over the death of his beloved friend Lazarus or his own people who rejected Him, were of ultimate, divine compassion, and they bespoke his commitment to the Father's will to the end , for our sake.The sign of resurrection that He bestowed in raising Lazarus indicated the object of our own hope. "I am the Resurrection and the Life; whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die." We obtain this promise when we cast all our sins, doubts, earthly attachments, and desire for human respect behind our backs and run the race faithfully to meet the Lord. We must desire Jesus Christ above all things, even life itself, in this world. By this we obtain Life Everlasting. Jesus links faith in the resurrection to His own person: "I am the Resurrection and the Life." (Jn 11:25) It is Jesus himself who on the last day will raise up those who have believed in Him, who have eaten His body and drunk His blood. (Jn 6:40) Already now in this present life He gives a sign and pledge of this by restoring some of the dead to life (Jn 11), thereby announcing His own Resurrection, though it was to be of another order. He speaks of this unique event as the 'sign of Jonah' (Mt 12:39), the sign of the temple. He announces that He will be put to death, but rise thereafter on the third day.


MARIAN SOCIETY LUNCHEON  - Today members of the Marian Society will serve lunch in the school hall after 11A.M. mass. The cost is $10.00 and all proceeds go toward the purchase of 2 beautiful mosaics for our church.

LATE NIGHT CATECHISM IS COMING TO ST. JEROME The smash hit comedy play Late Night Catechism is coming to St. Jerome on Saturday, April 20th. Tickets are $25 each and include the show, coffee, sweets & snacks afterward. There will also be a cash bar and raffles, too! Tickets can be purchased at the rectory, school office, or by contacting Pauline Dengler at 773-268-3859 or Jan Ferro at 312-225-9751. Please join us for an uproariously good time. If anyone is interested in volunteering for the evening, please contact Pauline or Jan at the numbers above.

H. S. A. ANNOUNCEMENTS $13,000 Raffle! Only 250 tickets. 1st prize: $10.000; 2nd & 3rd prizes: $1000; 4th & 5th prizes: $500. Drawing on March 24 at 1:00 P.M. For tickets contact Eva Mossman 312 842 - 5485; Debbie Segvich 312 791 - 0237; School Office 312 842 - 7668; Rectory 312 842 1871.

PALACINKA & PANCAKE BREAKFAST with the Easter Bunny will be Sunday, March 24. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. Cost: Adults $6.00; Children $3.00 This price includes your choice of either palacinkas (Croatian style crepes filled with cheese or jelly) or pancakes , and bacon or sausage, plus coffee, juice, or milk. Pictures with the Easter Bunny will be taken from 9:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. $15 per pose includes 1-5 x 7, 4-3 x 5, and 8 wallet photos.

EVENING OF RECONCILIATION On Palm Sunday, March 24, at 6 P.M. there will be a special opportunity to avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the sacred feast of Easter. Several priests will be available to hear confessions in our church. Without this sacrament is it possible to be truly and fully prepared to welcome the Risen Christ on Easter Sunday?

PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH Dear St. Joseph, Teach us to listen to the voice of God in our lives, to be open to Jesus' presence in our families, and to always welcome His love into our hearts. St. Joseph, Protector of the Holy Family, hear our prayers. PRAYER OF ST. PATRICK May you be blessed with the strength of heaven, the light of the sun, the radiance of the moon, the splendor of fire, the speed of lightning, the swiftness of wind, the depth of the sea, the stability of earth, and the firmness of rock. -From the Breastplate of St.Patrick

HOLY THURSDAY CHURCH VISITATION There will be a bus to transport those wishing to visit several churches after the 7P.M. service here at St. Jerome. Further information will be forthcoming. Contact Person: Laura Perisin Perseghin 773/ 254-0010

FISH FRY DINNERS every Friday during Lent 3 to 8 P.M. Good Friday - Bakalar and Bake Sale - Croatian Cultural Club 1030 N. Hickory St., Joliet 815 723 - 3154 Carry-outs available.

CARDINAL FRANJO KUHARIC died on March 11, 2002, at the Archbishop=s Residence in Zagreb, Croatia. He was a good friend of our parish, the Franciscans and the Croatian Catholic Union. During the war (1991) Kuharic visited our parish on several occasions and celebrated mass. He attended U.S. Catholic Bishops' Conference in Washington, D.C. where he spoke on behalf of the Church in Croatia and Croatian people. "The greatest step towards bringing this war to an end would be the recognition of a free Croatia where the people voted by a 95% majority in a favor of freedom and independence." ( from his speech at the U.S. Bishops= Conference) Pope John Paul II sent a message of condolence on the cardinal's death noting that "both during the period of the Communist regime as well as the recent, painful period of national history, he committed himself with all his energy to the defense of the liberty and the dignity of the Croat people." The Cardinal was buried on Thursday in Zagreb cathedral with more than 600 priests and thousands of mourners attending the funeral mass. He was 83. May he rest in peace.

OUR 90TH ANNIVERSARY. . .RECALLING OUR PAST 1917 was rightfully the year of the Holy Name Society. The role of the society was to aid in the reception of communion and, in various other ways, to lend support to the parish priests. This has remained the society=s role to this day.

ARCHDIOCESE ON THE RADIO - Don't miss Catholic Radio programming each weeknight from 9 - 9 :30 P.M. on   AM - 1160 WYLL !

VOICE OF ST. JEROME Parish, each Saturday morning from 10 - 10:30 A.M. on 750 AM (W N DZ).  

Apts. For Rent: 2 bdrms, 1st flr, no pets, central air. Bridgeport area. Call for appointment: 630 960 – 3353
Newly remodeled, 6rms, central heat & air. Bridgeport area. Call after 6 P.M. for appointment 312 225 - 1204

3 bdr. Apt. 700 + utilities + 1 ˝ Available April 1st.  Call Tom 312 514 –8957.

Vic 31 Parnell 5 rooms, 2bedrooms, 3 floor, modern, central air + heat, 312 674 – 1348, 312 520 - 1348 

Thought of the Week
"Be thankful when you don't know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn."

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