Nov. 4 - 11, 2001
   Oct. 28 - Nov. 4, 2001
   Oct. 21 - 28, 2001              NOV. 11 - 18, 2001
   Oct. 14 - 21, 2001

Mass Intentions

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                                                     Saint of the Day

Monday, November 12,  2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić..................................... .Jozo Vukojević

Phyllis Contino............................................................... family

Anka Ančić................................................... Stanko Šušnjara

Carmen Basso...................................... Ann Contino Family


Tuesday, November 13, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić..................................... Jozo Vukojević.

Anka Ančić..................................................... Tomislav Lišnić

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie


Wednesday, November 14, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić...................................... Jozo Vukojević

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Anka Ančić........................................................ Nediljko Šipić


Thursday, November 15, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić............................................. Kata Pavić

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Anka Ančić      .................................................. Gojko Luburić

Carmen Basso....................................... Ann Contino family


Friday , November 16, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić............................. Obitelj J. Hećimović

Ivan Badrov....................................................... Paul E. Petrie

Danica Žuljević.............................. Obitelj Miljenka Bilenića

Danica Žuljević................................. Obitelj Duška Bilenića


Saturday, November 17, 2001

7:30 A.M. Michael and Mary Sutera.. . . . . . . . .Sutera family       

Anna Marie Nisivaco.............. Catherine and Niick Perišin

Villa Donegan.................................... Perišin grandchildren

5:30 P.M. Mladinov family............................................. family

Toni Passi............................................................ Joan Sipich

Tony and Mary Passi..................................................... family

Lilli Navarro............................ Frano and Carol Marasovich

Angie Pudar............................................................... M/M Link

Josephine Latsis........................................ Theresa Esborn

Vinko Dujmović.............................................. Vlasta Budiša

Sunday, November 18, 2001

7:30 A.M. Mark Murphy......................................... Mary Fratto

Frances Quattrocki.................. Catherine and Nick Perisin

Joseph Zekich.................................................... Katica Kosić  


11:00 A.M.:

Anton Barun............................................... Obitelj Mijo Barun

Leonard Bajić............................................... Obitelj Hostićka

Matija Šušnjara............................................... muž Stipe i ob

Ante Barun................................... .Obitelj Pavo i Kata Hrkać

Ivan Kosić......................................................... Marica Ostojić

Anđa Tokić........................................... Tomislav Lišnić i ob.

Petar i Jozo Zelić............................................ Ilija Zelić i ob.

Ivan Kosić................................................ John i Marija Kosić

Mirko Šušnjara............................................... Stipe Šušnjara

Željko Galić....................................................... Obitelj Jureta

Matija Šušnjara................................... Dragica Karačić i ob.

Stipe Pervan..................................................... Obitelj Pervan

Ivan Badrov.......................................................... Josip Jureta

Za sve žrtve Vukovara......... Obitelj Blago i Nikola Planinić

 L E C T O R S

Saturday, November 17, 5:30 P.M.  M. Passarelli

Sunday, November 18, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, November 18, 9:30 A.M.  G. Cortese

Nedjelja, 18 studenog 11 A.M. Antonija Tomić i Tihana Jurković

A L T A R    S E R V E R S

Saturday, November 17, 5:30 P.M. Cannatello, Kenny, Sarkauskas

Sunday, November 18, 9:30 A.M. Bertucci, Huels, Lenart

Nedjelja, 18. studenog 11:00 A.M. J. Kosir, K. Zelić, K. Jurković

WEDDING BANNS: Kelly Bertucci and John Molloy (1)

Reasons for Belief in the Afterlife People commonly conceive the history of thought as a gradual liberation from spiritual (religious) explanations to material (scientific) ones. While that view contains some truth, it oversimplifies. The earliest philosophers, like Heraclitus and Democrates, were materialists in the sense that they tried to reduce reality to a single substance. It took a questioner like Socrates to uncover their naivete.  Plato and Aristotle subsequently developed more complex philosophies which included spirit and matter, mind and body.  Jesus easily deflates their reasoning because He has a more complex view of the human person. The resurrection will involve not a mere extension of physical existence, but a heightening of spiritual capacity (to become”like angels”). Then he cites a verse from their common authority, the Pentateuch. Exodus 3:6 refers to the Lord as “God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob.” Belief in a personal God demands belief in the afterlife. How could His care for us stop at the grave?  The Sadducees had hidden motives for denying the afterlife. They were the elite among first century Jews. Their comfortable life came from collaboration with worldly powers. The Pharisees, who religiously were closer to Jesus, resisted the dominant culture. Often they did so at a great price. We see an example in our first reading - a valiant mother who encouraged her seven sons to accept torture and death rather than deny the covenant. (2 Mac 7:1-14) Their belief in the resurrection gave them such strength. Some two centuries later another  man,  Jesus,  offered the supreme sacrifice. He did so not just because of His hope in the resurrection, but to make resurrection possible for us!                                                                                


"Breakfast with Santa" - Mark your calendars and tell your friends. Breakfast with Santa, sponsored by the St. Jerome H.S.A., will take place on Sunday, November 25.  Breakfast will be served from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon.  Cost: Adults $6.00, Children $3.00

Update for New Envelopes 

We are about to print new church envelopes. If you or any of your family members are not registered as parishioners, please let us know. Come to the office and register. Registered parishioners whose information has changed due to marriage, births, deaths, address, telephone, etc., should contact the rectory to update our records. Thank you for your cooperation.

New Book Available - The book,  A Century of Fidelity, which records the history of our Croatian Franciscan priests in the U.S. and Canada, is available for purchase ($20) at the rectory.  It is written in both Croatian and English, and features photos and artwork in addition to the text and statistics covering the ministry of our priests and their mission  in North America.

Special Request - Please refrain from reading the parish bulletin during Mass. Thank you for your respectful cooperation.

Eucharistic Adoration - Beginning next Thursday, November 15, our weekly "holy hour" will not include Mass.  Communal prayers, rosary, litany,  etc.,  will be recited from 7P.M. until approximately 8P.M.   The church will then remain open for silent adoration until 9P.M.  Please come to spend some time with Our Lord.

Newspaper Collection Please remember to bring your old newspapers to the northeast corner of the parish parking lot and drop them in the bin provided.  The proceeds from this project benefit our school.  Thank you!  

Memorabilia Needed We need your help. We would like to put together a history  of our parish. Please lend us your photos, books, booklets, mementos, etc., of anything to do with the parish.  We are  looking for older items in particular. Please send them to the rectory clearly marked with your name, so we can return them to you.

"Late Nite Catechism" is coming! - Mark your calendars and round up your friends and family. The play Late Nite Catechism will be performed at our parish on Saturday, April 20, 2002. This show will let you join the class as Sister takes you back to Latin Mass, meatless Fridays, and that good old ruler across the knuckles! The New World gives the show Aa gold star.@ It is one of the longest-running comedies in Chicago theater. Plan on joining us and laugh your sins off!

The Bridgeport Choral Society will hold  a special benefit concert at our church  for the victims of terrorism on Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 3:00 P.M.

Apartment for Rent: 29th / Wells, 2nd floor,3 bedrooms,708 430 0316.

For Rent: Vic. of 31st and Princeton, garden apart., central heat, air conditioned, 3 rooms, full bath, walk-in closet, newly painted and carpeted, elec. stove.  Pay own  utilities, $475 per month. Non-smoker and no pets. Call: 312 842-6313.  

Thought of the Week

“Be glad God doesn’t give us everything we ask for.”

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