To be a Croatian
Franciscan in this country is to be a man totally dedicated to God and
to our people whom we have served so faithfully for the last eighty years.
As we celebrate the 780th Anniversary of the death of our beloved Founder
St. Francis (1226) and the 80th Anniversary of our beloved Custody
of the Holy Family, we must keep in mind that we are God's instruments
of our beloved Custody of the Holy Family, we must keep in mind that
we are God's instruments of ace. We must therefore show:
Where there
is hatred - love.
Where there
is injury - pardon.
Where there
is doubt - faith.
Where there
is despair - hope.
Where there
is darkness - light.
Where there
is sadness - joy.
In this age of
conflict, a Croatian Franciscan priest must always be a Man of God who
loves his people, who admires their cultural heritage, who helps his
people in every possible way, and who makes his Croatian people proud
of their historical posterity.
A Croatian Franciscan priest is a man of action, a man of service and
dedication, a man in love with Christ and the people under his care.
He will continue, with the same spirit and renewed zeal, to serve our
Creator and our people who are deserving of our love, dedication, and