Apr. 7 - 14, 2002
Mar. 31 - Apr. 7, 2002
Mar. 24 - 31, 2002            APR. 14 - 21, 2002


Important Links:         Daily Meditations         Daily Mass Readings                                                       Saint of the Day

Mass Intentions

Monday, April 15, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Neda Mihaljević                     Mary Vujić                      

Vito & Phyllis Balestri                       George & Toni                                                                                                              


Tuesday, April 16, 2002

7:30 A.M. Joseph Borkowski, Jr.                 Jerome

Josephine Mancari                 Mary & Louis Scalise                   


 Wednesday, April 17, 2002

7:30 A.M. Krešo Tićek                kći Danica Mijočić                                          

Na nakanu                                    Nevenka Badrov                       

Na čast sv. Anti                             Mato Tomić i ob.


Thursday, April 18, 2002

7:30 A.M. Marija Šumera                 Obitelj Šumera

George & Cvita Vladović                    Sutera family     

Za zdravlje Vjeke Gregor                               obitelj

Marija Mrzljak                                  Katica Kosić                                                                             


Friday, April 19, 2002

7:30 A.M. Jozo Pehar                            Kata Zurak         

Iva Golemac                         Marija i Tomo Erkapić         

Tereza Savković                                   Jadre Rogić                                          


Saturday, April 20, 2002

7:30 A.M. Natalie Ruggiero                            family

Joseph Borkowski, Jr.                                 Jerome

Božica Mikulić                       kći Ljubica Rogić i ob.

Stipan Budich family                                  daughter           


5:30 P.M. Angie Previte                                 family

Kate & John Kirinčić                Jean & John Kirinčić                    

Angelo Pesce (100th Birthday)       M/M Matt Pesce

Jennie Salerno                          daughter RoseAnn 


 Sunday, April 21, 2002 

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert               husband Robert   

Joseph & Mary Popovich                             Jerome

Peter Mandić                                     Mandic family

Michael Bilandic                                   Luka Botica

9:30 A.M. Anthony Sintich             George Mikicich        

Monica Fletcher                    Marie & Nicki Bertucci                                    

Margaret Melvan            Frano & Carol Marasovich                      

  11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Matija Šušnjara                             muž Stipe i ob.

Joso Begović                                     Obitelj Mulc

Ivan Luburić                       Gojko i Marija Luburić                               

Za pok. iz ob. Krpan                   Jure Krpan  i ob.            

Ivan Badrov                                 Jure Lišnić i ob.                           

Leonard Bajić                                Obitelj Carlson

Ivan Maroš                                  Ivan Maroš i ob.

Jago Soldo                                   Obitelj Penavić                                         

Mara Maroš                                Ivan Maroš i ob.

Petar i Mate Perković              Franjo Vranjković    

Mladen Bugarija                    Jelica Šimunić i ob. 

Anka Ančić                           Obitelj Elene Bilonić                                          

Andrija i Luca Lišnić                    Obitelj Hostička     

Ivan i Anđa Tokić                        Stipe Tokić i ob.  

Zora Šego                                Stanko Šego i ob.    


L E C T O R S 

Saturday, April 20, 5:30 P.M. R. Bazan

Sunday, April 21, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, April 21, 9:30 A.M. D. Krolo

Nedjelja, 21. travnja 11 A.M. Marija Čuvalo i Marina Barun



Saturday, April 20, 5:30 P.M. Raddatz, Sarkauskas, Sarkauskas 

Sunday, April 21, 7:30 A.M. Babich, Dengler

Sunday, April 21, 9:30 A.M. Racinowski, Sanchez, Segvich

Nedjelja, 21. travnja 11:00 A.M. A. Mlinarić, D. Obranović, M. Jurković, N. Babić


Today's gospel takes us back to the evening of the Lord's Resurrection. On that day when everything that was old tumbled over into the eternal newness of the creation resurrected in Jesus, a significant event took place. The Lord demonstrated to his disciples, and through them, to all the Church, the full importance of the sign and the liturgical rite of breaking the bread. "They related what had happened on the way, and how He had been recognized by them in the breaking of the bread."
What is the meaning of this rite of the breaking of bread, and what does it mystically accomplish in the Church? Before breaking the bread, the priest, acting in the name and in the person of Christ, has consecrated the matter which Jesus himself designated to be used to perpetuate His sacrifice in memorial: the bread and wine. Thus, at the moment of the breaking of the bread, Christ is wholly present under both species of the sacrament. He is present under the species of bread, and He is present under the species of wine.


WEDDING BANNS: Luka Zoko i Renata Delić (2)   

LATE NIGHT CATECHISM IS COMING TO ST. JEROME The smash hit comedy play Late Night Catechism is coming to St. Jerome on Saturday, April 20th. Tickets are $25 each and include the show, coffee, and sweets &snacks afterward. Sandwiches will be sold before and after the performance. There will also be a cash bar and raffles, too! Doors open after the 5:30P.M. mass. The play begins at 7:30 P.M. Tickets can be purchased at the rectory, school, or by contacting Pauline Dengler at 773-268-3859 or Jan Ferro at 312-225-9751. Please join us for an uproariously good time. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help that evening, please contact Pauline or Jan.
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING has been rescheduled for this Monday, April 15 at 7:00 P.M.

ROLLER SKATING PARTY Our St. Jerome Sports Association is sponsoring a roller skating party. It will be held at Fleetwood Roller Rink on Thursday, April 18th from 6:30 - 9:00 P.M. Tickets: $5.00 in advance; $6.00 at the door. For more information call Kim at 773 847 - 2397.

DISCO DANCE Saturday, April 27th! Our H. S. A. is sponsoring a disco dance in our school hall. Join us for a fun
night of disco fever, starting at 7:00 P.M. (Disco attire is optional). Tickets are only $10.00 per person and include music, pizza, and snacks. B.Y.O.B. Must be 21 years old. No paying at the door. For tickets, call Eva at 312 842 - 5485

MARIA HIGH SCHOOL The following students from our parish made the Honor Roll for the 3rd quarter: 1st Honors, Jessica Martinez; 2nd Honors, Dawn Mangione. Congratulations!

FILM PRESENTATION: Old Testament Fathers
Our movie series featuring the most prominent people of the Old Testament will continue this Wednesday, April 17 at 7 P.M. with the film entitled Moses (Part 2). All are welcome!

LUNCHEON IN OUR SCHOOL HALL The Marian Society will sponsor a benefit luncheon on Sunday, April 21, following the 11 A.M. mass. All proceeds will go toward 2 beautiful mosaics for our church. We invite all to participate in this event and support this worthy cause. Donation: $10.00

NEWLY BAPTIZED Today we welcome into our faith community Joseph Michael Zito, Jr., son of Joseph M. and Donna Ann Zito. His godparents are Michael Hult and Paula Lukos. Congratulations!

H.S.A. ANNOUNCEMENT Breakfast with the Easter Bunny was a HUGE success. The food was DELICIOUS and the raffle prizes, FABULOUS. It was WONDERFUL to see everyone come together in support of our school. Thank you very much to everyone! You are incredible!

OLD PHOTOS In preparation for our 90th Anniversary celebration, we are asking everyone who has old photos of parish events to bring them to the rectory. Please check to see if you, or any of your family members have any that we could use. Put your name, address, and telephone number on the back of the photos so that we can return them to you. Thank you!

PLANS FOR VELIKA GOSPA - On Monday, April 22, there will be a meeting to discuss our "Velika Gospa" celebration for this year.  It is important that all who will be involved in this traditional event, attend. The meeting will take place in the small hall at 7P.M.

1902 . . . . ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO in the U.S.A.

  • The average life expectancy was 47.

  • Only 14% of the homes had a bathtub.

  • Only 8% of the homes had a telephone. A three - minute call from Denver to New York City cost $11.

  • There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads.

  • The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

On August 13, 1929, the Third Order of St. Francis was founded. On this occasion 30 people became members of this society. Meetings were held monthly. The group's first "bunco" part was held in 1930. A good sum of money was raised and given to the nuns to use for the renovation of their convent.

CARE GIVER NEEDED to assist with handicapped female approximately 2 hours every day Monday - Friday. Competitive pay rates.  Must be capable of lifting. Please call 773 927 - 8545.


- 28th Wells, Modern 6rm apt., appliances, ceramic bath, $650 mo., credit check, lease & sec. required. Call after 4:30 P.M. 708 430 – 0316.

- 3 Bdr. Apt. 700 + utilities + 1 ˝ mon.security. Available April 1st.  Call Tom 312 514 –8957.

- Vic. 31 Parnell 5 rooms, 2bdrms, 3rd flr, modern, central air / heat, 312 674 – 1348; 312 520 - 1348

 - Bridgeport area 2 bdrms, 1st flr, no pets, central air. Call for appointment: 630 960 – 3353

- Newly remodeled, 6rms, central heat/air. Bridgeport area. Call after 6 P.M. for appointment 312 225 - 1204  

Thought of the Week

"Happiness is not having what you want, it's wanting what you have."

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