Mar. 17 - 24, 2002
Mar. 10 - 17, 2002
Mar. 3 - 10, 2002               MAR. 24 - 31, 2002


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Mass Intentions

Monday, March 25, 2002

 7:30 A.M. Fred Siani                                         wife            

Joseph & Margaret Borkowski                by Jerome        

Peter Bush Caruso                                          Ross

Brian White                                           Frank Brda

Monica Fletcher                               Giggie


Tuesday, March 26, 2002

7:30 A.M. Angela Snooky Valenti                  family

Lorraine Cortez                      Perisin grandchildren        

Lorraine Cortez               Willian & Joanette Catino


 Wednesday, March 27, 2002

            7:30 A.M. Margaret Marcello                         family                                    

Deceased relatives                                Mary Hrvol        

Zora Chapman                 Catherine & Nick Perisin

Monica Fletcher                           Maryann Segvich       


Thursday - Četvrtak, March 28, 2002

Posljednja Večera - Mass of the Lord¸’s Supper

                7:00 PM Thanksgiving to Jesus           Diana Krolo                                                                        


Friday - Petak, March 29, 2002

 3:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

 ( English)

6:00 PM Procession with the wooden cross throught the neighborhood, followed by the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Croatian)

6:00 PM Procesija s drvenim križem ulicama našega grada. Iza toga slijedi muka i klanjanje Raspetome                                   


Saturday, March 30, 2002

 Blessing of food – Blagoslov hrane –  4:00 PM

Confessions – Ispovijed             6:00 – 7:00 PM

Easter Vigil Service & Mass 7:00 PM  

Obredi Velike Subote i sveta misa 7:00 PM


Frank Fratto                                   Connie & Mary

Connie Caponigro                           Angie Palerno

Dec. Babich & Iozzo fam.       Sam & Terri Babich


 Sunday, March 31, 2002

 7:30 A.M. John Peso                                     family

Michael Bilandic               Catherine & Nick Perisin   

Linda Humbert                              husband Robert

Al Mucenski                                                      wife


9:30 A.M. Carlo Guttilo                             mother 

                      Deceased of Bozich family                           Vera                                


                  11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Matija Šušnjara                             muž Stipe i ob.

Žarko Ostojić                                      ob. Ostojić

                      Ivan Badrov                              Bože i Stoja Kosir                                

Antun Filipović                               Lucija Mlinarić

               Mara Fafčić                                           muž John                    

George Paljetak                  cousin Mato Paljetak

                          Jozo i Mate Galić             Franjo Vranjković                                          

Branko Jurković                                  Pero Erceg

Katarina Halambek              Frida i Ivica Penavić    

Ivica I Franjo Turkalj           Ivan i Anka Uremović          

Jago Soldo                                   Obitelj Penavić             

Antun Šamanić                                Obitelj Stošić     

Za pok. Steva i Mare Špehar          Steve Špehar       

Stipe Radić                           Obitelj Ivan Mlinarić

Leonard Bajić                              Obitelj Hostička

  L E C T O R S  

Saturday, March 30, 5:30 P.M. R. Brcich

Sunday, March 31, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, March 31, 9:30 A.M. J. Zekich

Nedjelja, 31. ožujka 11 A.M. Anđela Bajić i Davorka Novak



Holy Thursday, March 28, 7:00 P.M. Cannatello, Lenart, Mossman, A. Raddatz

Good Friday, March 29, 3:00 P.M. Atteo, Babich, A. Raddatz

Holy Saturday, March 30, 7:00 P.M. Segvich, Babich, Cannatello, Kenny, Mossman 

Holy Easter - Sunday, March 31, 7:30 A.M. A. Raddatz, J. Raddatz

Holy Easter - Sunday, March 31, 9:30 A.M. Atteo, Huels, Sarkauskas

Uskrs, Nedjelja, 31. ožujka 11:00 A.M. K. Zelić, Z. Jureta, D. Bajić, L. Brčić 


With the procession of palms that begins today's mass, we celebrate Christ's entrance into Jerusalem to accomplish His paschal mystery. Those who today acclaim Him king, and cry "Hosannah!", will days hence demand that He die as a criminal. On Holy Thursday we will take part in a re-enactment of the foot-washing of the Apostles, the twelve men chosen as foundation stones of the Church. To them Christ gave the gift of Christian priesthood, and through them He has handed down to us the perfect memorial of His suffering and death in the Eucharistic sacrifice. We will honor our Lord's gift of his Body and Blood as we carry the Blessed Sacrament in procession following Thursday's solemn liturgy of "The Lord's Supper." We will remain in silent adoration until 11:00 PM. On Good Friday we enter more fully into the death of the Lord in our celebration of the Passion. We are strengthened to face our own death as we accompany our Lord on the Avia crucis@, the way of the cross. We join ourselves to the obedience of the Son that we may also obey the Father's will and die a truly "Christian death."

FROM THE LAST TESTAMENT OF CARDINAL KUHARIC: "May the rite of my funeral be imbued with faith in eternal life and in the resurrection of the body. I have always firmly and joyfully believed this truth of God regarding mankind. It is the holiest, the most poignant, and the most fateful truth about the creation of mankind. The final things of life stand before each person like the ultimate reality before which stands our final choice: accept once and for all the love of God, or forever reject it. This truth I have always gladly contemplated; happily I proclaimed it. Within it is contained the meaning of life and the essence of our existence. That is why death is the holy moment of the birth of eternity. When you read this will, I shall have already passed through the experience of that mysterious transition and encounter with the Divine Judge. What a realization! New and everlasting! Inexplicable to mankind on earth! The truth unveiled! My friends, only this is important. As Archbishop and Metropolitan of Zagreb, I beseech my great spiritual family - the Archdiocese of Zagreb and the entire church of the Croatian people - to guard and live fully the Catholic faith in their personal, family, and national lives. "The truth will set you free!" (Jn 8:32). God's commandments are the foundation of the life of every person, family, and nation". ( Written, among other remarks, in Cardinal Kuharic's last will and testament.)


LATE NIGHT CATECHISM IS COMING TO ST. JEROME The smash hit comedy play Late Night Catechism is coming to St. Jerome on Saturday, April 20th. Tickets are $25 each and include the show, coffee, sweets & snacks afterward. There will also be a cash bar and raffles, too! Tickets can be purchased at the rectory, school office, or by contacting Pauline Dengler at 773-268-3859 or Jan Ferro at 312-225-9751. Please join us for an uproariously good time. If anyone is interested in volunteering for the evening, please contact Pauline or Jan.

PALACINKA & PANCAKE BREAKFAST with the Easter Bunny is being held this weekend on Sunday, March 24. Breakfast is being served from 8:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M. Cost: Adults $6.00; Children $3.00. Pictures with the Easter Bunny are being taken from 9:00 A.M. until 12:30 P.M.

EVENING OF RECONCILIATION This Sunday, March 24, at 6 P.M. there will be a special opportunity to avail yourself of the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the sacred feast of Easter. Several priests will be available to hear confessions in our church.

HOLY THURSDAY CHURCH VISITATION Once again we will visit churches by bus. We will meet exactly at 7:45P.M. outside St. Jerome school. Our intention is to visit seven (7) churches for this spiritually enriching evening. The cost depends on how many men and women participate in this Holy Thursday visitation. Please call to let me know, and I will reserve a space on the bus per request Laura Perisin Perseghin 312/ 254-0010

GOOD FRIDAY SOLEMN PROCESSION On Good Friday, as in previous years, we will solemnly process with the wooden cross through the neighborhood. The procession will begin at 6P.M. We sincerely invite you to reserve the date for this special Lenten event.
GOOD FRIDAY SPECIAL COLLECTION will be taken for the support of the Holy Land.

HOLY SATURDAY VIGIL MASS BAPTISMS Two young adults, Gina Camiso and David Austin, will be baptized during our Holy Saturday vigil mass. This gives us a special opportunity not only to renew our baptismal promises, but to accompany these new Christians on their journey to the baptismal font and witness their encounter with the baptismal waters, with Christ the Living Water, for the first time!

EASTER FLOWERS If you wish to donate flowers to the church for Easter, please contact Louis or Mary Scalise to place your order. (312/ 842-8446) Thank you!

OUR 90TH ANNIVERSARY. . .RECALLING OUR PAST In 1931 Lovro Rakelin, who resided at 6238 S. Honore, donated to our church an old fashioned procession cross featuring all the symbols of Christ's passion. This cross is displayed on our altar each year during Lent.

Thought of the Week
"Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone."

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