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Assumption Feast - Velika Gospa and Novena 2003 (Click here!)

Monday, August 4, 2003

7:30 A.M. Victor Bublić.................... Victor Izokaitis
Slavica Blažević............... Dan & Maureen McMahon
Mary Iacullo....................... Nick & Catherine Perisin
Lorencita Decierdo............... daughter Rosalia Zappa
Za duše u čistilištu.............................. Obitelj Bešlić

Tuesday, August 5, 2003

7:30 A.M. Peter Zelkovich............. Peter Zelkovich, Jr.
Fra Marko Kozina....................... Cathi & Pete Wilkie
Thomas Kenny............................... Lana Marasovich
Na čast Gospi...................................... Marija Tomić

Wednesday, August 6, 2003

7:30 A.M. Za pok. obitelji Grbeš............. Obitelj Rodić
Tona Knetl................................................. Vi Botica

7:00 P.M. Maria Gazzi.......................... Gazzi Family
Anica Lerotić......................... kći Ivanka Šušnjara i ob.
Carmen, Carmella & Tommy LaPapa............. daughter
Sam Scalise.................................................. Family
Dec. of Vulich / Zaninovich Fam. ..........Toni Zaninovich

Thursday, August 7, 2003

7:30 A.M. Fra Marko Kozina............ M/M Mary Pavela

7:00 P.M. Mile Kodžoman............................... Family
Bill Sabbia............................. wife Frances & children
Frank Fratto....................................... Connie & Mary
Luka Zaninovich/Margareta Vulich........ Toni Zaninovich
Mildred & Peter Depeder.................... Martha Depeder

Friday, August 8, 2003

7:30 A.M. Zorka Rapaich......................... Mary Fratto
Ann Yolich................................... John & Gen Botica
Na nakanu......................................... Obitelj Penavić

7:00 P.M. Lena Marino................................... Bonnie
Pauline Vladović / Manda Bratić................ sister Rose
Catizone & Senese Family..................... Cathy Amato
Bob Hanson......................................... Josie Hanson

Saturday, August 9, 2003

7:30 A.M. Jack Ruggiero................................ Family
Ivan Vrdoljak.............................. daughter & grandson
Mile Rak................................. Anthony & David Pavić
Nick Botica Vi Botica

5:30 P.M. Joseph Zekich..................... wife & children
Kate & John Kirinčić................... Jean & John Kirinčić
J & J Becich & T. Scalise............................... Family
Mile Rak............................................. Jerko Šumera

Sunday - Nedjelja, August 10, 2003

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert................... husband Robert
Special Intention.................................... Family Pivac
Fritz Perisin................................................... Family
Deceased of Kraslen Family.......................... brothers

9:30 A.M. Fritz & Juliana Perisin........... Sylvia Perisin

11:00 A.M. u spomen
Nediljka Lišnić............................... Dušan Bilonić i ob.
Josipa Lovrinović........................ Tomo i Ana Lovrinović
Mile Kodžoman........................... Krešimir Mišetić i ob.
Ilija i Tadija Brstilo............................... Mate Čaljkušić
Josipa Lovrinović.................................. Ivica Zeba i ob.

6:00 P.M. Mate i Ana Buljan............................ Family
Matthew Čondić................................................. aunt
Joseph LaScola................................................ friend
Deceased of Pesa & Balich Families........... Mary Vujić

Saturday, August 9, 5:30 P.M. Rosemary Brcich
Sunday, August 10, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, August 10, 9:30 A.M. Diane Krolo
Nedjelja, 10. kolovoza 11:00 A.M. Josip Novak i Ivana Krpan

Saturday, August 9, 5:30 P.M. Dengler, A. Sarkauskas, R. Sarkauskas
Sunday, August 10, 9:30 A.M. Bertucci, Marlene, Maria O.
Nedjelja, 10. kolovoza, 11:00 A.M. Z. Jureta, K. Zelić, T. Kikaš, J. Kosir

Richard Rogulich - Dianna Ruscitte ( 3)
Nicolette Pulciano - Frank Santoro (2)


He gave them bread from heavenHuman beings need two basic kinds of food to attain perfect happiness and satisfaction: food for the body and food for the soul. Both are necessary. Which one of these comes first in the life and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ? It is spiritual food. That is why He says in Matthew 4:4, "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." 

When He multiplied bread to feed the hungry He did not mean to say that the solution to the deep hunger of the human heart is to give people more bread. No. He multiplied bread only as a sign pointing to the higher spiritual food that He was providing for the human soul, but the crowd we see in today's gospel mistakes the sign for the substance. They clamor for Jesus because they want more bread. They want to make him king, a king who fills the human stomach with bread.  "Sir, give us this bread always", they pray (John 6:34), but Jesus berates them for not seeing beyond their stomachs: "Very truly, I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves".



VELIKA GOSPA - Once again our major parish celebration is upon us - the holy day of the Assumption of the BVM on August 15. During the next few days you will receive our parish letter with details for the celebration of this beautiful Marian feast. Here are some of the highlights:

  • We invite everyone to participate each evening in our beautiful novena devotions that begin on Wednesday, August 6. This is a time of prayer, meditation, hymns, conversation with Our Lady, and encounters with Christ in the Eucharist. Confessions will be heard each evening.

  • Please take a day off on the feast of Velika Gospa. Our parishioners have upheld this tradition since 1913. We should really try to reserve this day, which is consecrated to Mary and specially honored by our parish. We understand that your jobs are important, but remember that our ancestors took this day off work even during the Depression.  "Velika Gospa" was always regarded as a most important occasion.

  • On 3 evenings, following the novena, coffee and cake will be served in the hall. Ladies who are willing to donate baked goods, please let us know ASAP. Anyone willing to help in the kitchen on those nights should also let us know THIS WEEK.

  • Our procession, as the central event of our feast, is very well recognized. Please take part in it. Don't just be a spectator. Be a part of this event and share the joy! Carry a flag, or wear a Croatian ethnic costume. Walk with any one of the groups. Invite your friends to come. That day is for us all. It belongs to us and is truly a part of our souls!.

PARISH PHOTO ALBUM Later this year we will undertake the project of compiling a parish family photo album. Over several weeks' time, beginning in October, a professional photographer will come to the parish to take pictures of our parishioners. More information about this project will be given next month.

Congratulations to Marija Belan, a graduate of our school, who made 1st Honors.

One of the most attractive marketed recent false "prophets" has been the Left Behind series written by T. LaHaye and J. Jenkins and published by Tyndale House Press. This series presents fundamentalist theology about the >end times< and is in conflict with Catholic teachings. It is also a vehicle for anti-Catholic sentiments. The Catholic Bishops of Illinois alert all Catholics to the danger of being proselytized by such works, and advise the faithful to avoid these publications.

For rent: 28th Princeton, 1st floor, 1 bedroom, central A/C & heat, stove & frig incl. Free laundry facilities. $650 per month. Please call 312 842 - 0918 and leave message.



Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

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