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Mass Intentions

Monday - Ponedjeljak, August 26, 2002

7:30 A.M. For deceased parents.......... Anna C. Novak
Frances Pintoy......................... Louis & Mary Scalise
Melissa Watson.................. Charles & Patricia Marino

Tuesday - Utorak, August 27, 2002

7:30 A.M. Margaret Marcello............................ family
Na nakanu...................... Ivan, Tomislav i Bruno Vaniš
Na čast Gospi...................................... Božana Rapo

Wednesday - Srijeda, August 28, 2002

7:30 A.M. Anna Marie Nisivaco............... Cheryl Moran
Edward Lines................................. Georgeann & Nino
Na nakanu....................... Ivan, Tomislav i Bruno Vaniš

Thursday - Četvrtak, August 29, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy..................... Josie & Danny
Na nakanu....................... Ivan, Tomislav i Bruno Vaniš

Friday - Petak, August 30, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy.................... Marian Segvich
Jenny Borich....................... Frane & Carol Marasovich

Saturday - Subota, August 31, 2002

7:30 A.M. Geraldine Annerino......................... H. S. A
Catherine Valenti............................ Debby Kodžoman

5:30 P.M. Dolores Fritz.............. Louis & Mary Scalise
Catherine Viverito........................ Neda Roscich family

Sunday - Nedjelja, September 1, 2002

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert..................... husband Robert
Michael Bilandić........................ Gene & Emily Dengler

9:30 A.M. Phillip DiMenza.............. Cathi & Pete Wilkie
Carmen, Carmella, Tommy La Papa................... Bonnie
Tonka Scalise.................................................... family
Phillip DiMenza.................................. Chuckie Scalfaro

11:00 A.M.
Matija Šušnjara............................................ muž Stipe
Tomo Fuček i roditelji........................................ prijatelji
Tomislav Hostička............................................... obitelj
Wanda Piotrowski............................ Marge Ostojić i ob.
Jago Soldo.......................................... M/M Tomo Mulc
Anđa Kosir............................................... Ivo Kosir i ob.
za pok. iz. ob. Vasilj i Dugandžić............... Andrija Vasilj
Mary Nikolić........................................... muž Grgo i ob.
Stipe Pervan....................................................... obitelj
Ante Kurevija..................................... Anica Ostojić i ob.
Radovan Cikoč...................................... supruga i djeca
Za pok. iz ob. Hrvojević i Vuković............. obitelj Hrvojević

Č I T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, August 31, 5:30 P.M. Frank DiLoreto
Sunday, September 1, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, September 1, 9:30 A.M. Nino Folino
Nedjelja, 1. rujna 11 A.M. Zvonimir Kosir i Jasmina Knezović


Saturday, August 31, 5:30 P.M. Cannatello, Huels, Rebecca S.
Sunday, September 1, 9:30 A.M. Lenart, Maria O., Sanchez.
Nedjelja, 1. rujna 11:00 A.M. J. Kosir, J. Jureta, Z. Jureta, D. Obranović

Wedding Banns:
John Ilic & Suzy Ćubelić (1)
Tom Dorsey & Gina Comiso (1)


Jesus asks in the Gospel today: "Who do you say I am?" Jesus asks and Peter answers. Where does Peter get the idea that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Messiah? Well, he gets it from being with Jesus and coming to understand that all the things Jesus does - healing, helping, forgiving, loving, teaching, living life in a certain, specific way - all these aspects of Jesus come together and define Him. Jesus is the Messiah. In the world of business today, specifically in the marketing departments, we would say that Jesus has a specific brand image. Think about it. When I say "Jesus", it triggers within each person a whole series of thoughts that contain within them the essence of how to live the Christian life. Okay, then what does it mean when, in response to being asked who we are and what faith we follow, we say we are followers of Jesus...Christians... Catholics? In all honesty, if it is an authentic description of who someone could say I am, what it has to mean is that my life reflects the same things that the life of Jesus reflected. It means I am kind, loving, forgiving, patient. It means that I care for the poor, fight for the marginalized, and do all the things that define being a follower of Jesus. If no one knew whether or not we belonged to this Church, would we still be taken to be a Christian?  Would we be seen as showing the same characteristics as Jesus?

Pictures from Velika Gospa 2002(Click here)


                                    THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE


Frank and Alberta DeGregorio............ 60th Anniversary 

Jim and Ann Sutera........................... 55th Anniversary 

Joe and Lucy Ciaccio........................ 55th Anniversary 

Denise and Fred Bertucci................... 20th Anniversary 

Laura and John Perseghin.................. 10th Anniversary

We are very proud of our special anniversary couples who will renew their vows today as part of our parish's 90th Anniversary celebration.  May Almighty God sustain their marriages and continue to bless their commitment to one another.

CCD REGISTRATION will be held on Sunday, September 8th, from 9 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. in the School Hall. CCD classes will begin on Sunday, September 22nd.

90th ANNIVERSARY OF OUR PARISH October 6, 2002, the day of our 90th Anniversary celebration, is quickly approaching!!! If you have not yet purchased tickets for the gala banquet, please call the rectory now. Mark your calendar, make your reservations, and participate in this historic parish event: Solemn High Mass at 2 P.M. in our church, followed by a gala banquet at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers as 301 E. North Water St. beginning at 5
P.M. Tickets are $100 per person. We are looking forward with pride and anticipation to see our parishioners and friends gather together for this wonderful occasion. Come, let us commemorate these past 90 years through fellowship in worship and enjoyment.

THE CROATIAN CATHOLIC UNION invites all Croatian young people to participate in a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. For this occasion a special guest, Mr. Zoran Vukman, will come from Croatia to lecture. The themes of this gathering are the challenges of the culture of death, the role of Catholic lay leaders, and Christ as the center of our lives. The lectures will be held on Saturday, September 7. Mass for the pilgrims will be on Sunday, September 8, at 2 P.M. This will be a very interesting meeting. For more information call 219/ 942-1191.

ST. JEROME SCHOOL starts tomorrow, Monday, August 26. We welcome back our teachers and students, and wish them a successful school year.

OUR DECEASED PARISHIONERS We will soon compile a list of all our deceased parishioners. These names will appear on a plaque to be displayed in the foyer of our church. Remembering our beloved deceased in this manner is a way of including them in this, our 90th Anniversary commemoration.
GRAVE SITE VISITATIONS Our priests will begin visiting the cemeteries where our deceased parishioners are interred. A specific schedule will be available soon.

OUR WEB SITE Please check it for all current parish events. If you are going out of town, you can also find a listing of masses anywhere in the U.S.A. by consulting our web site:

Fr. Hrvoslav Ban served as our associate pastor from 1982-92. He was especially dedicated to the Croatian school, organizing its Christmas and Mother's Day programs. Some of his other responsibilities were preparing the "Catholic Messenger" (1986-1992) and the "Croatian Calendar" (1987-1992). In 1985, a keepsake book dedicated to Cardinal Stepinac was published with the help of Fr. Ban, the teachers, and the school board. The book is quite valuable because it contains over 70 photographs of the students (1984-5 school year) with quotes about what it means for them to be students of the Croatian school.

 Thought of the Week

"The purpose of a relationship is not for two incomplete people to become one, but rather for two complete people to join together for the greater glory of God."

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