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Mass Intentions

Monday - Ponedjeljak, July 1, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy................... Rosemary Sestito
Anto Beretić.................................... kći Maja Dugandžić
Na čast sv. Anti..................................... Ivica Golub i ob.

Tuesday - Utorak, July 2, 2002

7:30 A.M. Josipa Lovrinović................... Obitelj Lovrinović
Vladislav Bozek...................................... Obitelj Penavić
Mirko Petrović............................................ Ana Braskić

Wednesday - Srijeda, July 3, 2002

7:30 A.M. Goldie Malesh............................. Millie Balich
Rose Alebich............................... Sally & John Pratapas
Richard Kamysz..................................... Obitelj Penavić

Thursday - Četvrtak, July 4, 2002

7:30 A.M. Na čast sv. Anti........................... Nikola Ćosić
Janet & Peter Tadin.................... Catherine & Nick Perišin
Domina & John Frankovich..................... daughter Dorothy
Za zdravlje Marijane Ćubelić.......................... Anka Pervan

Friday - Petak, July 5, 2002

7:30 A.M. Na čast B.D. Mariji........................ Nikola Ćosić
Na nakanu sv. Ante...................................... Anka Pervan
Za pok. iz ob. Maroš i Tokić....................... Ivan Maroš i ob.

Saturday - Subota, July 6, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy........................... Muriel Rivchun
Phyllis Contino....................................... mother & brother

5:30 P.M. Maria Gazzi............................................ family
John Kirinčić..................................... Jean & John Kirinčić
Family Plepel............................................ Dorothy Plepel

Sunday - Nedjelja, July 7, 2002

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert........................... husband Robert
William Smith Haupeks............................... Debby & Mary

9:30 A.M. LaPapa family....................................... Bonnie
Josephine Tarantino........................ daughter Cathy Amato
Rose Alebich.............................. Butch & Marlene Salvato
Carlo Guttillo........................................................ mother

11:00 A.M. u spomen:

Tomislav Hostička................................................... obitelj
Ivan Badrov......................................... Drago Uremović i ob.
Matija Šušnjara........................................... muž Stipe i ob.
Josipa Lovrinović.......................................... Lucija Mlinarić
Special intention.......................................... Marge Ostojić
Jago Soldo.............................................. M/M Vlado Hrkać
Marko Rodić.................................................. Obitelj Rodić
Stipe Pervan................................................. Obitelj Pervan
Filip Kosir....................................................... Obitelj Kosir
Petar Bugarija......................................... kći Jelica Šimunić

Č I T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, July 6, 5:30 P.M. Frank DiLoreto
Sunday, July 7, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, July 7, 9:30 A.M. Terri Ferro
Nedjelja, 7. srpnja 11 A.M. Marija Čuvalo i Marina Barun


Saturday, July 6, 5:30 P.M. Dengler, Huels, Segvich
Sunday, July 7, 9:30 A.M. Racinowski, Sarkauskas, Sarkauskas
Nedjelja, 7. srpnja 11:00 A.M. D. Hrvojević, C. Pavišić, S. Šušnjara


In an age when people are growing further apart, there is a greater need for friendliness than ever before, and the traditional value of hospitality is once more being rediscovered. Far from being an optional extra, hospitality is regarded as a sacred duty and the equivalent of welcoming the Lord himself. The delightful story of the couple who made the prophet Elisha welcome under their roof, and as a result were rewarded with the gift of a son, is an indication of how precious hospitality is in the eyes of God. The Gospel reminds us that all the small ways of giving and caring of which we avail ourselves, even a trivial act of kindness like the giving of a cup of cold water to a stranger on our doorstep, will win God's favor and result in a great blessing. The world we live in is crying out for small acts of kindness, which cost little but are sadly missing, like a smile, a word of appreciation, or a phone call. In extending a welcome to other people, we are following in the footsteps of the Master who has room for everybody in His heart.

MARRIAGE BANNS: Edward Lyons & Mary Sabbia (1)


TODAY: SACRED HEART CROATIAN PARISH ANNUAL PICNIC (2901 E. 96th St.) Breakfast will be served after each mass. BBQ lamb, pork, and chicken will be available by 11 A.M.. In the afternoon there will be American, Mexican, and Croatian food, and also cold drinks. Games, booths, and music by Sinovi will be provided for your entertainment.

90th ANNIVERSARY INVITATIONS have been mailed to all parishioners and friends. Please respond as to whether or not you will be attending. We invite everyone to join the celebration! If you have not received an invitation, please let us know by calling the rectory.

Second Collection - Peter's Pence This year's annual collection for the works of the Holy Father has as its theme "A Listening Heart, A Helping Hand, A Better World". We are asked to join with Catholics worldwide in support of this mission. It enables our Pope to respond with a helping hand to those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Please support this special appeal. Thank you!

SACRED SPACE Our church is our sacred space. It is a holy place; therefore, we must respect it as such. Respect is demonstrated by dressing appropriately for church. Please dress modestly.

RECOMMENDED READING Recently a very interesting and worthwhile book was published under the title "Goodbye Dear Old Homeland!". The book tells the story of a young family that fled Croatia after the second world war. It recalls their journey through Europe and eventual arrival in America. Perhaps some of you will identify with this life story. I recommend this interesting book and encourage you to read it.

VACATIONERS We wish a safe and pleasant trip to all of our parishioners and friends who
will be traveling this summer. Enjoy your time of rest and relaxation!


MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARIES During our 90th anniversary year we wish to acknowledge all of the couples in our parish who are celebrating special anniversaries (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, etc.). Please reserve Sunday, August 25 for a special mass at 9:30 A.M. when all special anniversary couples will renew their marriage vows. Please call the rectory if you plan to attend.

PREPARATION FOR VELIKA GOSPA FEAST has begun. We are in need of people to help make the occasion a success. Anyone who is willing to help should contact the rectory. Although it is usually a workday for many, it is important to remember our tradition of honoring Mary on the day of her Assumption. Please plan to attend and show our unity and devotion as we celebrate mass, participate in the procession, and enjoy the festivities of the day. You will receive the annual letter regarding the details for this feast sometime in July.

HOLY HOUR Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday from 7 - 9 P.M. in our church. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of this sacred time of spiritual intimacy with Our Lord. Come, visit Him!

Parish school statistics: During the 1953-54 school year we reached the highest enrollment in the history of the school with 583 students. 1956 was the year with the largest number of students in the graduating class: 73.

Thought of the Week

"It is impossible to develop eyestrain from looking on the bright side of things."

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