Nov. 11 - 18, 2001
   Nov. 4 - 11, 2001
   Oct. 28 - Nov. 4, 2001            NOV. 18 - 25, 2001
   Oct. 21 - 28, 2001              

Important Links:        Daily Meditations            Daily Mass Readings

                                                     Saint of the Day


Mass Intentions

Monday, November 19,  2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.............................. obitelj J. Hećimović

Ivan Badrov........................................................ Paul E. Petrie

Poor souls.............................................................. Ann Brcich

Tuesday, November 20, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić................................... Anka Hećimović.

Josephine Cardella................ Catherine and Nick Perišin

Ivan Badrov........................................................ Paul E. Petrie

 Wednesday, November 21, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.................................... Anka Hećimović

Na nakanu........................................................... Katica Kosić

Ivan Babić.............................................. obitelj Nediljko Šipić

Thursday, November 22, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.................................. Mate i Mira Mulac

Dom and Lena Marino.................................................. family

Anna Marie Nisivaco      .................................. husband Alex

Tomislav Hostićka................... Catherine and Nick Perisin

Angeline Pudar........................................................... children

Friday , November 23, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.................................. Mate i Mira Mulac

Naomi Mendoza....................... Catherine and Nick Perisin

Na nakanu................................................. Gordana Subašić

Dragica Mišura................................................ Milena Badrov

Carmen Basso................................................... Ann Contino

Saturday, November 24, 2001

7:30 A.M. Dominick /Lena Marino...... M/M Matthew Pesce

Tony Passi................................ Catherine and Nick Perisin

Anna Marie Nisivaco.......................................... Julie Perisin

John Marasovich............................................................ family

5:30 P.M. John Kirincic................... Jean and John Kirincic

Rosario Passarelli................ Mike and Joanne Passarelli

Lisa Laurino........................................................ Žaper family

Anna Marie Nisivaco........................................ Gerard Fratto

Angie Previte................................................................... family

 Sunday, November 25, 2001

7:30 A.M. Jaka Šupuk................................................... obitelj

Sam Contino...................................................................... wife

9:30 A.M. Maria Gazzi......................................... Gazzi family

Ivan Prskalo................................................... Matilda Prskalo

Connie Caponigro......................................................... family

Anthony DiLoreto............................................. wife and sons

Spiro "Speedo" Tadin....................... brother Anthony Tadin

11:00 A.M. :

Berislav Bronzović......................................... Ruža s djecom

Matija Šušnjara............................................... muž Stipe i ob

Anđa Tokić............................................ Tomislav Lisnić i ob.

Za poginule u NY and Washingtonu............. Anica Ostojić

Stipe Pervan..................................................... Obitelj Pervan

Ivan Badrov........................................... Obitelj Ante Hostićka

Ivan Badrov.......................................................... Julie Perisin

Željko Lovrenčić................................................ Obitelj Jureta

Ivan Kosić................................................ Marija i John Kosić

Za pok. obitelji Kosir................................... .Ivo i Silvia Kosir

Ivan Kosić.............................................. Obitelj Andrija Vasilj

 L E C T O R S

Saturday, November 24, 5:30 P.M.  J. Magyar

Sunday, November 25, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, November 25, 9:30 A.M.  B. Serio

Nedjelja, 25. studenog 11 A.M. Katarina Pavić i Perica Dušević


Saturday, November 24, 5:30 P.M. Babich, Mossman, A. Raddatz

Sunday, November 25, 9:30 A.M. Cannatello, Racinowski, Segvich

Nedjelja, 25. studenog 11:00 A. Kraljević, J. Jureta i L. Brčić 

 WEDDING BANNS:Dona Mihovilovic -Matt Liesen (1)

The End

Some buildings are so beautiful, so mighty looking, that they seem to be a monument to the future: the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the World Trade Center Towers in New York.  Since September 11th, we have learned graphically that even those things that are mighty and enduring will not last.  Whether it is through the evil choices of others, or through the passage of time, things and possessions will not last. When we experience the passage of the symbols of might, we naturally look for answers. Is this a sign of the end of the world?  Is it true that evil is getting the upper hand in our world? How are we, as disciples of Jesus, to respond to the loss of the signs of our security and lasting power?  In the midst of many questions, we are tempted to look for signs and answers. When the people of Jesus' time sought some reassurance from Him about their future, He gave them one simple response:  Live faithfully now and you will be prepared for whatever the future brings!

Breakfast with Santa

Mark your calendars and tell your friends. Breakfast with Santa, sponsored by the St. Jerome H.S.A. on Sunday, November 25, will be served from 8:00 A.M. till 12  Noon.Cost: Adults $6.00 Children $3.00. Menu includes pancakes, eggs, sausage or bacon, coffee, juice or milk.. Christmas pictures will be taken from 8:30 A.M. till 12  Noon. Choice of 3 poses: baby with present, child with Santa, family in front of a Christmas tree. $15.00 per pose  includes 1- 5 x 7; 4 - 3 x 5; 8 wallets. Craft and Prize Raffles. Baked Goods for sale.

Memorabilia Needed

We need your help. We would like to put together a history of our parish. Please lend us your photos, books, booklets, mementos, etc., of anything to do with the parish. We are looking for older items in particular. Please send them to the rectory clearly marked with your name, so we can return them to you.


St.  Jerome Web Site  

Check our web site:

Now you can check Daily Meditations, Daily Mass Readings, and also interesting facts about the Saint of the Day, in addition to a variety of information about our parish.  Log on to be updated and informed.  Let us know what you think. Your suggestions are very much welcomed.


Sunday, November 25, 3 P.M. at  St.  Jerome Church:  The Bridgeport Choral Society will perform a special benefit concert for the victims of terrorism.

Saturday, December 15, 7 P.M.: Croatian School Christmas Program

Sunday, December 16,  6 P.M.: Parish Reconciliation evening

Monday,  December 17,  7 P.M.: St.  Jerome School Christmas Program in our church

CROATIAN CHRISTMAS CARDS  are available in the rectory at $10 per packet, 10 cards per packet.


Blessed are those who are convinced of their basic dependency on God, whose lives are emptied of all that doesn't matter; those for whom the riches of this world just aren't that important. The kingdom of heaven is theirs.
Blessed are those who know that all that they are is a gift from God, and so they can be content with their greatness and their smallness, knowing themselves and being true to themselves. They shall have the earth for their heritage.
Blessed are those who wear compassion like a garment, who have learned how to find themselves by losing themselves in another's sorrow. They, too, shall receive comfort.
Blessed are those who are hungry for goodness, who never get enough of God, and truth, and righteousness. They shall be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful; those who remember how much has been forgiven them and are able to extend this forgiveness into the lives of others. They, too, shall receive God's mercy.
Blessed are those whose hearts are free and simple, who have smashed all false images and are seeking honesty and truth. They shall see God.
Blessed are the creatures of peace; those who build roads that unite rather than walls that divide; those who bless the world with the healing power of their presence. They shall be called children of God.
Blessed are those whose love has been tried and found to be precious, genuine, and lasting; those who have lived their belief out loud, no matter what the cost or pain. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

For Rent:         29th and Wells, 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms, call 708 430 0316.   

Vic. of 31st and Princeton, garden apart., central heat, air conditioned,  3 rooms, full bath, walk- in closet, newly painted and carpeted, elec. stove. Pay own utilities, $475 per month. Non- smoker and no pets. Call: 312 842-6313. 

Thought of the Week

"Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it".

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