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Mass Intentions

Monday - Ponedjeljak, July 8, 2002

7:30 A.M. Sabina Flash.......................... family Rodich
Ivan i Anđa Miletić................................ Veselko Miletić
Na čast Gospi.............................. Maja Dugandžić i ob.

Tuesday - Utorak, July 9, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy.................... Kraslen brothers
Philip DiMenza........................ Catherine & Nick Perišin
Na čast sv. Ivi........................................... Milica Ćosić

Wednesday - Srijeda, July 10, 2002

7:30 A.M. Anton Beritić................................... supruga
Philip DiMenza........................... Rita & Chris Johnston
On intention of Pat Grande................................... N. N.

Thursday - Četvrtak, July 11, 2002

7:30 A.M. Dobrica Petrović......................... Ana Braskić
Mary Geary Hartford...................... Perišin grandchildren

Friday - Petak, July 12, 2002

7:30 A.M. Frances Pintoy...................... Kraslen brothers
Sabina Flesh............................................ family Rodich

Saturday - Subota, July 13, 2002

7:30 A.M. Jenny Borich.......................... Eleonore Drozd
Na nakanu............................................... Anica Ostojić
Philip DiMenza................... Michaelina & Jerry Considine

5:30 P.M. Helen & Lucky Olson............................ family
Kate & John Kirinčić........................ Jean & John Kirinčić
John, Mary & John Jr. Velcich.................... Mary Harzich

Sunday - Nedjelja, July 14, 2002

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert........................ husband Robert
Kraslen family................................................... brothers
Mary Mandić............................................. family Mandić

9:30 A.M. Nick Botica.............................................. wife
Angela Snooky Valenti.......................................... family
Joseph & Mary Popovich................................. by Jerome
Joseph Zekich.......................................... wife & children

11:00 A.M.
Za pok. ob. Belan i Kosić........................... Ivan Belan i ob.
Ivan Badrov........................................ Drago Uremović i ob.
Matija Šušnjara................................................ muž Stipe
Jago Soldo............................................. M/M Pavo Hrkać
Na nakanu.................................................. Obitelj Runac
Za poginule iz travničke brigade..................... Ivo Lovrinović
Ante Valentić............................................... Obitelj Žignić
Jago Soldo.................................................. Andrija Vasilj
Drago Bugarija..................................... Jelica Šimunić i ob.

Č I T A Č I - L E C T O R S

Saturday, July 13, 5:30 P.M. Joseph Magyar
Sunday, July 14, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, July 14, 9:30 A.M. Diane Krolo
Nedjelja, 14. srpnja 11 A.M. Danijela Šumera i Mario Pehar


Saturday, July 13, 5:30 P.M. Babich, Sarkauskas, Sarkauskas
Sunday, July 14, 9:30 A.M. Atteo, Bertucci, Marlene O.
Nedjelja, 14. srpnja 11:00 A.M. J. Kosir, N. Babić, K. Zelić


Who are we, you and I? Are we "know it alls" or do we remain open to Jesus' call to us every day? Are we humble enough to know we are sinners, always in need of Jesus' help in our daily lives, always in need of Jesus to overcome the ways of the world?  Are we humble enough to recognize when we have sinned, humble enough to ask the Father's forgiveness?  This is the challenge that faces us everyday. This is the reason for each of us to set aside some quiet time each day to review what we have done with our day - not the things that make us look good in the eyes of the world, but rather those things often unnoticed by the sinful world that we recognize as sinful. Some of the sinfulness that is known only to us, because it is sinful thoughts or kindness we have failed to do to or for others, sins that go unrecognized because "everyone is doing it".
We need to be "little ones" those dependent upon Jesus, those who recognize their unworthiness and sinfulness. Then in recognizing our true humble selves we can approach the altar and receive in the Eucharist the true body and blood of Jesus - then we are fully prepared to face the world and all of its challenges because we are then truly - "yoked to Jesus".

MARRIAGE BANNS: Edward Lyons & Mary Sabbia (2&3)


90th ANNIVERSARY INVITATIONS have been mailed to all parishioners and friends. Please respond as to whether or not you will be attending. We invite everyone to join the celebration! If you have not received an invitation, please let us know by calling the rectory.

RECOMMENDED READING Recently a very interesting and worthwhile book was published under the title "Goodbye Dear Old Homeland!". The book tells the story of a young family that fled Croatia after the second world war. It recalls their journey through Europe and eventual arrival in America. Perhaps some of you will identify with this life story. I recommend this interesting book and encourage you to read it.

MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARIES During our 90th anniversary year we wish to acknowledge all of the couples in our parish who are celebrating special anniversaries (5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, etc.). Please reserve Sunday, August 25 for a special mass at 9:30 A.M. when all special anniversary couples will renew their marriage vows. Please call the rectory if you plan to attend.

PREPARATION FOR VELIKA GOSPA FEAST has begun. We are in need of people to help make the occasion a success. Anyone who is willing to help should contact the rectory. Although it is usually a workday for many, it is important to remember our tradition of honoring Mary on the day of her Assumption. Please plan to attend and show our unity and devotion as we celebrate mass, participate in the procession, and enjoy the festivities of the day. You will receive the annual letter regarding the details for this feast sometime in July.

HOLY HOUR Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Thursday from 7 - 9 P.M. in our church. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of this sacred time of spiritual intimacy with Our Lord. Come, visit Him!

Josie Hanson
Michelle Hanson
Stana Delich
Obitelj Hostička
Conne Marnell

In memory of Angie Previte
Medjugorje Prayer Group
Gerard Fratto
In memory of Jenny & Jay Borich
Thank you all very much for remembering your church on these special occasions.

NEXT EVENTS: - Every year our parish welcomes a missionary, a priest or a nun. Next Sunday we will welcome Sr. Miriam. She will preach at all the masses. The Second collection next weekend will be taken for the missions.

- We started the work on our church steps. We ask for your patience and understanding during this time of renovation. We hope that the project will be done by the end of this month.

- We hope that you noticed the new street signs that read St. Jerome Croatian Church on 31st and Princeton, 26th and Princeton, and just off the Dan Ryan Highway.... We hope that the highway signs will be posted some time soon. Also, we are in preparation for posting 90th anniversary banners and signs.

- Check our St. Jerome web site for all events, parish bulletins and for your spiritual growth, daily meditations, daily readings and update saint of the

During Fr. Zvonko Mandurich's pastorate, he was faced with the deterioration of the school and hall. During his years, 1958-60, he saved money to tackle his problem. Permission was granted by Cardinal Meyer in 1960 to build a new school. The old buildings were raised and the new school and hall were dedicated on September 24, 1961.

Thought of the Week

"There's never a right time to do a wrong thing; and there's never a wrong time to do a right thing."          

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