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Monday - Ponedjeljak, June 30, 2003

7:30 A.M. Millie Trovato............... Dorothy Ormond
Fr. Mark Kozina............... Juliana & Charlie DiCaro
Mary & Rocco Iacullo............. M/M Anthony Sabia
Na čast sv. Anti................................ Nikola Ćosić

Tuesday - Utorak, July 1, 2003

7:30 A.M. Victor Bublich............... Pavo Hrkać i ob.
Marko i Zorka Krnić......................... Nevenka Mulc
Slavica Blažević................................ Ivo Šipić i ob.
Jozo Gavranić................................ Obitelj Karlović

Wednesday - Srijeda, July 2, 2003

7:30 A.M. Mirko Petrović.................... Ana Braskić
Marko & Elsie Čerina....................... daughter Vera
Na čast Gospi Međugorskoj................ Nikola Ćosić
Na odluku..................................... Ivanka Šušnjara

Thursday - Četvrtak, July 3, 2003

7:30 A.M. Ivan Badrov................................... obitelj
Slavica Blažević.................................... Božo Guvo
Josephine "Jay" Serritella.............. Dorothy Ormond

Friday - Petak, July 4, 2003

7:30 A.M. fra Marko Kozina................ Ann DiLoreto
Biserka Marušić........................ Petar Varvodić i ob.
Special Intention.................................. Diana Krolo
Za zdravlje Mire Bašić.................................. obitelj

Saturday - Subota, July 5, 2003

7:30 A.M. Obitelj Fučak...................... Obitelj Rodić
Spec. Intention for Dominik Krolo........... Diana Krolo
Niko Šumera..................................... Dan Bakovich
Katie Valenti................................................ family

5:30 P.M. Tomislav Hostička......................... obitelj
John Kirinčić........................... Jean & John Kirinčić
Ivan & Kate Plepel........................... Dorothy Plepel
Maria Gazzi...................................... Family Gazzi

Sunday - Nedjelja, July 6, 2003

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert................ husband Robert
Patrick Muldowney...................................... friends
Goldie Malesh..................................... Millie Balich

9:30 A.M. Carlo Gutillo................................ mother
Betty Yukich.................................... husband Rudy

11:00 A.M. u spomen
Berta Kirinčić.................................. Obitelj Penavić
Petar Bugarija........................... Jelica Šimunić i ob.
Matija Šušnjara........................ Dragica Karačić i ob.
Marko Rodić....................................... Obitelj Rodić
Niko Šumera..................................... Marica Horvat
Slavica Blažević.......................... Božo Blažević i ob.
Filip Kosir........................................... Ivo Kosir i ob.



Saturday, July 5, 5:30 P.M. Robert Bazan
Sunday, July 6, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, June 6, 9:30 A.M. Giggie Cortese
Nedjelja, 6. srpnja 11:00 A.M. Davorka Toromanović i Kata Pavić

Saturday, July 5, 5:30 P.M. Babich, Sabia, Segvich
Sunday, July 6, 9:30 A.M.Atteo, Bertucci, Dengler
Nedjelja, 6. srpnja, 11:00 A.M. J. Kosir, A. Mlinarić, D. Obranović, N. Babić


Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, considered by our Roman Catholic Church as the two primary pillars not only of the earliest Christian community of Rome but of the universal Church. Through their teachings and the witness they gave with their lives they encouraged its growth. And through their faith and their martyrdom they gave the Christians of the capital of the Roman Empire an example to follow.
Saint Peter and Saint Paul are equally venerated by all Christians although in a special way by the Christians of Rome. Both of them were called to evangelize. Saint Peter was the first leader in the faith and Saint Paul defended it brilliantly. Saint Peter preached the Good News of salvation to the Jews. And Saint Paul became the fist missionary bishop to the gentiles. In this way, both of them brought together the family of Christ.
Just as the Lord called Saint Peter and Saint Paul in different ways, we are also called in many different ways to follow the Lord throughout our lives. Let us not ignore the call of the Lord. Let us listen to his call and answer generously.


WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES If you are celebrating a special anniversary year (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.....50) please let us know. A wedding anniversary mass will be celebrated in our church on Sunday, September 21, at 9:30 a.m.

PETER'S PENCE Today, Sunday? June 29, our parish will participate in the Peter's Pence Collection for the works of the Holy Father. This collection enables the Holy Father to respond to requests for emergency funds from the most disadvantaged throughout the world. Please pray for the success of the good works of this ministry and contribute whatever you can to sustain this worthy cause.

PARISH PHOTO ALBUM Later this year we will undertake the project of compiling a parish family photo album. Over several weeks' time, beginning in October, a professional photographer will come to our parish to take pictures of our parishioners. More information about this project will be given next month.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT takes place each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 in our church. All are invited to come and adore Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. To have time for God and to give ourselves to Him is an important expression of our faith. He relishes our company!


REMINDER Please dress appropriately when you come to church. We must remember that the church is a holy place of worship. It is not a place where we can dress as we do in other areas. A dignified place requires dignified attire.

ST. BARBARA PARISH will hold its annual picnic on Sunday, August 3. They are looking for crafters who would be interested in selling their items. If interested, call Mary Murray at 312/842-7979.

MCAULEY LIBERAL ARTS HIGH SCHOOL Congratulation to Michelle Segvich graduate of our school, who made the "B" Honor Roll for the 4rd Quarter, 2003.

LOST AND FOUND - A few days ago we found a piece of jewelry on our church property. If you or someone you know lost it please call the rectory.

VELIKA GOSPA COMMITTEE MEETING will be held on Wednesday, July 30 at 7:00 P.M. All of the committee members are invited.

"If you wish to be brothers, drop your weapons."

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