June 3 - 10, 2001

MAY 20 - 27, 2001

      May 27 - June 3
      May 13 - 20, 2001
      May 6 - 13, 2001

Monday - May 21, 2001

7:30 am Marko i Matija Bajama………..…Anna C. Novak

Lydia Bakovich…..Joann and Peter Peso

Thursday, May 24, 2001

7:30 am Marko Mišerda……Jelica Dukić

Fred Siani………….grandchildren

7:00 p.m. Tomislav Hostićka…Ob. Ivezić

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

7:30 am Marko Mišerda…..Jelica Dukić

Marta i Božo Bralo……Ob. Mijo i Zdenka Barun



Friday, May 25, 2001

7:30 am Mark Bozich ……….MaryAnn Romano

Sam Passarelli………Tony and Dorothy Frankovich

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

7:30 am Marko Mišerda…Jelica Dukić

Lydia Bakovich…………Charles Cole

Saturday, May 26, 2001

7:30 am Mark Bozich….Ann Diloretto


5:30 pm Helen Olson………..family

Frank Fratto……..…daughter Mary

Charles Vladovich..…..M/M Matthew Pesce

John Budich…..…..Wife and daughter

John and Mary Curkov….Ann DiCarlo

Ana Kozina….…………..Mary Fratto

Sunday, May 27, 2001

7:30 am Margaret Marcello…………………family

James and Alice Stromer……………Vi Botica

Mary Mandić…………….Mandić family


9:30 am Mark Bozich …………..Club Poljica

Mary Batina……………….Batina family

Sam Passarelli……………….Fran Sabbia

Dorothy Rogosich………………..Michaelina and Jerry Considine

Anthony Laco………………………….family


11:00 a.m.:

Jerko Kutleša…………………………supruga Jela

pok. obitelji Kralj i Belan……………………..obitelj

Vjenceslav Čižek………………Domagoj i Ivanka Paraga

Matija Šušnjara………………muž Stipe i obitelj

Luca Lišnić……………………Marija i Marko Perić

Luka Golub…………………Obitelj Tomić

pokojni obitelji Golub………………….Ob. Tomić

Marko Mišerda……………………….Jelica Dukić

Helena Boričević………………Miro i Ika Mandac

Tada Topić………………………..Ivica Penavić i ob.

Iva Mišetić………………….Ivan i obitelj

Mark Božić……………………………Neda Roscich

Ivan Zeba…………………………Marko i obitelj

Helen Boričević……………………Linda i Jure Strbić

Iva Grubišić………………………Mila Grubišić i ob.

Anđa Tokić……………………..Dujo i Mirjana Šušnjara

Ana Radić Klusov…………………………Neda Roščić

za pok. članove H.R.Z…………………članovi H.R.Z. Chicago


Saturday, May 26, 5:30 p.m.….. J. Zekich

Sunday, May 27, 7:30 a.m. ……..Matthew Pesce

Sunday, May 27, 9:30 a.m. ……………G. Cortese

11:00 a.m………..Anita Kosir i Davorka Novak

Love, Pure and Simple

As the gospel reminds us, Jesus’ New Covenant is one of "love", pure and simple. "Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him." The entire Law is summed up in the two great commands: "Love God above all things, and love your neighbor as yourself." This was to be the life of the follower of Christ from then to the end of time. It sounds so simple, but what does it mean? One of the better definitions of "love" that I have found is that of St. Thomas Aquinas. "Love is the inclination toward something good." What a person loves will depend on what the person perceives as "good". If he considers money good, and sets out to obtain money, he has a love of money. If she looks at chocolate as good, and reaches out for chocolate, she has a love of chocolate. There are a great number of things that one can look upon as "good", and hence there are many different kinds of love that one can have. It stands to reason that the greatest love of all would be that which directs and inclines us to the greatest good. Since the greatest good, as the theologians would say, the "Summum Bonum", is God, the greatest love we have must be for God. That is why the first and greatest commandment is "Love God above all things." After that our love will be defined by what we are inclined to accept as the greater good or the lesser good.


Croatian Catholic Union of USA and Canada

We welcome today his excellency Msgr. Ivan Prendja, archbishop of Zadar, Croatia. We also welcome all the representatives of the CCU, priests, diplomats, and all of our dear guests for this special occasion of the 80th Anniversary of CCU.

50th Anniversary of Priesthood

Fr. Jerome Kucan, OFM, former pastor of our parish, will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of his ordination on Sunday, June 10th at Sacred Heart Church, 2864 E. 96th Street, Chicago. Mass will be celebrated at 11:30 A.M. Reception and lunch will follow in the parish hall. If you plan to attend, please contact the Sacred Heart rectory by May 27th. ( 773/ 768-1423) Thank you.

For Sr. Mary John

On Wednesday, May 30th, following our Honors Day Mass and Awards, the school children will hold a reception to thank Sr. Mary John for all she has done for St. Jerome School, these many years. All parents, parishioners, and friends are welcome to attend. The reception will begin at 9:00 A.M.. Hope to see you there.


To Mary in May:

Mary the Dawn, but Christ the Perfect Day

Mary the Gate, but Christ the Heavenly Way

Mary the Root, but Christ the Mystic Vine

Mary the Grape, but Christ the Sacred Wine

Mary the Wheat, but Christ the Living Bread

Mary the Rose-tree, but Christ the Blood-red Rose

Mary the Fount, but Christ the Cleansing Flood

Mary the Chalice, but Christ the Saving Blood

Mary the Temple, but Christ the Temple's Lord

Mary the Shrine, but Christ its God Adored

Mary the Beacon, but Christ the haven's rest

Mary the Mirror, but Christ the Vision Blest.


SOS NEWS - The last weekly order for SOS will be placed on Tuesday, May 29th. We will then go to our summer schedule of one ordera month. Orders must be in the rectory by Monday, and will be ready for pick-up on Wednesday of that week. Orders will be placed on Monday, June 18th; July 16th; and August 20th. Thank you for your support. If you have any special needs over the summer, please let me know. Jan Ferro 312-225-9751.


Grade 8 students Jessica Martinez and Michael Vivirito were honored at an awards ceremony by the Club Maria SS Incoronata and St. Christopher of Rigiliano. The awards were given for exemplifying the highest standards of Catholic education and academics.

St. Jerome 8th Grade Graduation: Sunday, June 3rd at 9:30 mass:

The feast of the Ascension will be celebrated on the seventh Sunday of Easter, next Sunday, May 27th.

Parish Council meeting: Wednesday, May 23, at 7:30 P.M..

Thought of the Week

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."




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