June 10 - 17, 2001

JUNE 3 - 10, 2001

      May 28 - June 3, 2001
      May 20 - 27, 2001
      May 13 - 20, 2001

Mass Intentions

Monday - June 4, 2001

7:30 A.M. John Sasek................... supruga Dana

Lebra Balestri................................. Ann Contino

u zahvalu...............................................Boñena Iliƒ

7:00 P.M. ........................ST. ANTHONY NOVENA


Thursday - June 7, 2001

7:30 A.M. Mike Braskiƒ..............................Ana Braskiƒ

7:00 P.M. Ana Vrdoljak .....................Cathy and Andrew

Matija ubiƒ .....................................Debby Kodzoman


Tuesday -  June 5, 2001

7:30 A.M. John Sasek...................... supruga Dana

7:00 P.M. Anpa i Mate Ostoji..........Ivica i Ljubica Vaniš

na nakanu ................................................Obitelj Novak


Friday- June 8, 2001

7:30 A.M. Carrie Lucarelli.................................. Yvonne

u zahvalu ........................................................Boñena Iliƒ

7:00 P.M. Harzich, Velcich and Sarkoch fam ......M. Harzich


Wednesday - June 6, 2001

7:30 A.M. Jela Ivankoviƒ ................................Kata Paviƒ

Lydia Bakovich ........................................Charles Cole

7:00 P.M. Fr. Ivan Bradvica ........Frane /Carol Marasovich


Saturday - June 9, 2001

7:30 A.M. Alma Becker .......................Jela Kutleša

5:30 P.M. Earl Esborn....................................... family

Carmen Butera .................................................family

Lydia Bakovich ...................................Toni Zaninovich

Deceased friends and relatives ...........Martha Depeder

Marge and John Sobocan ...............M/M Matthew Pesce

Manda Milicevich ................................................family

Mark Bozich .................................Joann and Peter Peso

Josephine Latsis ....................................Theresa Esborn


Sunday - June 10, 2001

7:30 A.M. Deceased of Kraslen family .......................brothers

Fred Siani ....................................wife

9:30 A.M. Mark Bozich ...............................Cathy Amato

Dorothy Rogosich ................................Louis and Mary Scalise

Tony Blase ...................................Josephine Hanson


11:00 A.M. :

Fr. Ante Grbeš .......................Rosemary Morrison

Franjo Armiƒ ........................Obitelj Armiƒ

za pokojne obitelji Planiniƒ ....................Ob. Planiniƒ

Za pokojne obitelji Juriƒ ......................Ob. Planiniƒ

Matija Šušnjara ...........................muñ Stipe i obitelj

Luca Lišniƒ ........................................Ana Bajiƒ

Mirko Kosir ..................................Ivo i Silvia Kosir

Jozo i Ana Pervan ................................Iva ubeliƒ

Tada Topiƒ ...................................Ivica Penaviƒ i ob.

Za pokojne obitelji Kralj i Belan ....................Obitelj Belan

Ivan i Ana Mlinariƒ ................................Jure i Lenka Štrbiƒ

Marija Šumera ..................................Marijana Jelaa

Ivan Kosiƒ .....................................Marijana Jelaa

Marija Šumera ...................Stjepan i Dubravka Borieviƒ

na ast sv. Anti ..................................Mato Tomiƒ

Č I T A Č I  -  L E C T O R S

Saturday, June 9, 5:30 P.M. ........R. Brcich

Sunday, June 10, 7:30 A.M.........Matthew Pesce

Sunday, June 10, 9:30 A.M. ..........Nino Folino

Nedjelja, 10. lipnja 11:00 A.M. ......Antonija Tomiƒ i Tihana Jurkoviƒ


The Holy Spirit C Our Solar Furnace

Archimedes built a giant solar reflector called a "burning mirror." It concentrated the sun's rays on Roman warships and set them afire. Primitive tribes channeled ocean water into shallow pans. Sun evaporated the water, leaving salt behind. The coal and oil we use for energy comes from millions of years of converted sunlight. If 10,000 square miles of Arizona desert were covered with mirrors and the necessary boilers and turbines, it is estimated that twice the amount of electricity now generated in America could be produced. The sun, that fire from the sky, provides virtually all the energy used on earth. We can also garner energy from the wind. Wind powered the ship that enabled Columbus to discover America. The pilgrims relied on wind to move their ship from Europe to Plymouth Rock. Old fashioned windmills used that free energy source to grind wheat into flour. Today's technologists foresee the day that armies of huge windmills in windswept areas like the Great Plains, or anchored off the northeastern United States coast could produce one fourth of our electrical needs. The wind, that power from the heavens, could become a major energy source. Fire and wind.....Clean and renewable sources of energy. Beacons of hope for an energy starved world. What are the two images of the Holy Spirit appearing before us on this Pentecost? Fire and wind. "Suddenly, from up in the sky there came a noise, like a strong driving wind . . . Tongues of fire appeared." Just as earthly fire and wind hold within themselves the promise of an earthly Pentecost of renewable energy resources, so do the divine fire and wind contain the promise of renewable spiritual resources. That is why we pray to the Holy Spirit, "Come and renew the face of the earth." It is evident that the sun and the wind are gifts from God. On this Pentecost we are made aware of the fire and wind of the Holy Spirit as the source of even greater gifts from God. Sun and wind provide the gifts for our physical life. The Holy Spirit offers gifts for our spiritual lives. The Spirit is our solar furnace bringing vitality to our souls.

50th Anniversary of Priesthood

Fr. Jerome Kucan, ofm, former pastor of our parish, will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of his ordination on Sunday, June 10th at Sacred Heart Church, 2864 E. 96th Street, Chicago. Mass will be celebrated at 11:30 A.M. Reception and lunch will follow in the parish hall. If you plan to attend, please contact the Sacred Heart rectory at 773/ 768-1423. Thank you.


We are honored and happy to present to you the St. Jerome Graduation Class of 2001:Natalia Belan, Jennifer Bielski, David Cales, Nicholas Gallo, Mark Hughes, Wing Chi Ip, Wing Yee Ip, Jessica Martinez, Briana Peric, Alexa Powell, Anthony Scalise, Michael Vivirito, Jeffrey Wong and Gregory Yersich. CONGRATULATIONS! May God in his goodness and unlimited power guide you and bless you as you take a new step in your life and education.


The annual novena in honor of St. Anthony begins tomorrow, Monday, June 4th at 7 P.M. with mass and devotions to this beloved patron. Please join us in prayerful preparation for his feast day.

The End of the School Year

Wednesday, June 6 will be the last day of school. The closing mass will begin at 8:05 A.M. Report cards will be distributed after mass, and dismissal will be from church at approximately 9A.M.

Looking for an Organist

Our appreciation and thanks to Mr. JOE CEPURAN for his many years of devoted and talented service to our parish as organist. We are sorry to see him leave us, but we understand that it is no longer possible for him to make the long trip, some 80 miles, to St. Jerome. We wish him good luck.

Our parish is looking for an organist for 9:30 A.M. Mass. Please contact us if you know of anyone. Thank you.

Child Care Needed

A family is looking for part-time child care for a 28th month old, from 1:30 P.M. to 6:00 P.M., M-F (Bridgeport to South Loop Area). Please call 312 808 0299.

CLUB Sinj Memorial Mass: Today, Sunday, June 3rd at 1:00 P.M.

ADORATION: Every Thursday evening 7-8:30 P.M. Please join us.


Thought of the Week

AIf you keep silent, keep silent by love; if you speak, speak by love; if you correct, correct by love; if you pardon, pardon by love. Let love be rooted in you, and from the root nothing but good can grow.@

"If it is to be, it is up to me!@


- Pod pokroviteljstvom hrvatske ñupe sv. Jeronima i Hrv. škole AKardinal Stepinac@ stiñe iz Zagreba kazalište s predstavom APredstava Hamleta u selu Mrduša Donja@. Ova vrlo poznata komedija dolazi nam s najboljom postavom hrvatskih glumaca: Ivana Brkiƒ, Danko Ljuština, Ivo Gregureviƒ, Špiro Guberina, Vedran Mlikota, Lidija Begonja i drugi. Predstava ƒe se odrñati polovicom rujna (19. rujna)


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