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Monday - Ponedjeljak, May 26, 2003

7:30 A.M. Na nakanu............................ Jela Kutleša
fr. Ante Grbeš................... ob. Zlata i Jure Dugandžić
Jela Jurković................................... sin Dane i obitelj
Patrick Muldowney........................................ friends

Tuesday - Utorak, May 27, 2003

7:30 A.M. Margaret Marcello........................... family
obitelj Fuček......................................... obitelj Rodić
Mary Mandić...................................... Mandić family
Lisa Laurino................................... Kodžoman family

Wednesday - Srijeda, May 28, 2003

7:30 A.M. Biserka Marušić.................. obitelj Planinić
Victor Bublić........................................... Josip Čolak
Anica Puljić.......................................... Katica Kosić

Thursday - Četvrtak, May 29, 2003

7:30 A.M. Mike Tiardovich................... JohnTiardovich
Jerko Kutleša............................................... sin Ivan
Marijan Lerotić...................................... Iva Šipić i ob.

Friday - Petak, May 30, 2003

7:30 A.M. Pat Esposito...................... Marian Segvich
Frank Roti, Sr. ...............................................Marion
Anica Puljić.......................................... Katica Kosić

Saturday - Subota, May 31, 2003

7:30 A.M. Biserka Marušić........................ Josip Prša
Na nakanu (Tihana Drinovac)................ Marija Erkapić
Anica Puljić..................................... Dragica Rudman

5:30 P.M. Rosalio Bon....................... Toni Zaninovich
Ann DeGregorio.................... Cathy & Bob Cannatello
Nikola Špoljorić..................................... Anika Popov

Sunday - Nedjelja, June 1, 2003

7:30 A.M. Linda Humbert................... husband Robert
Ann Condic LaScola............................ Evelyn Čondić
Al & Millie Mucenski........................................ family
Patrick Muldowney......................................... friends

9:30 A.M. Ann DeGregorio............... Bobby Cannatello
Katica Čulina................................... muž Ante i kćeri

11:00 A.M. 
Grgo Nikolić.................................................... family
Jerko Kutleša......................................... Jela Kutleša
Victor Bublić.......................................... ob. Mile Rak
Grgo i Ana Bilonić...................... kći Ana Bajić i obitelj
Stipe Rodić................................. Ivan Mlinarić i obitelj
Raveno Čuvalo............................. Ivan Mišetić i obitelj


Saturday, May 31, 5:30 P.M. Robert Bazan
Sunday, June 1, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, June 1, 9:30 A.M. Diana Krolo
Nedjelja, 1. lipnja 11:00 A.M. Marija Belan i Zvonimir Kosir

Saturday, May 31, 5:30 P.M. Cannatello, A. Sarkauskas, R. Sarkauskas
Sunday, June 1, 9:30 A.M. Atteo, S. Sanchez, Dengler
Nedjelja, June 1, 11:00 A.M. J. Kosir, T. Kikaš, N. Babić, A. Bušljeta, K. Jurković

Davorka Novak i Jura Toromanović (3)
Cherie Rogosich & Patrick Vari (3)
Julie Grzetich & Tom O'Conor (1)


God Is LoveThe message in today's Gospel speaks of love. How much we need that word! How deeply implanted in us, according to the Creator's plan, is the yearning to love and be loved!
The first truth to come forth from the message of the Word of God is this: Love is from God. God is the source of life who created man and called him to life. God implanted within man His own spirit and sensitivity for love. That is the source of man's ability to love and his deep need to be loved. He who is All Love gives to man the ability to collaborate and share in His creation and in His power of self-giving love. Man is at his best and resembles God most when he loves. It is then that he realizes the meaning of his existence and the purpose of his personal life.
Jesus still offers us His friendship. Without any guarantee that we will repay or answer Him, He calls each of us His friend and draws us to Himself with this entreaty: "Remain in my love."


CLASS OF 2003 The members of the 8th Grade class of St. Jerome School will receive their diplomas at the 9:30 a.m. Graduation Mass on Sunday, June 1st.

NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY will be held from Wednesday, June 4, through Thursday, June 12.  Mass will be at 7 p.m. each evening except for Saturday (5:30) and Sunday (6:00). On Friday, June 13, the feast of St. Anthony, mass will be celebrated at the Croatian Franciscan Monastery on Drexel Blvd. We invite everyone to attend these traditional devotions.

ASCENSION THURSDAY - The feast of the Ascension will be celebrated this Thursday, May 29.  Masses will be at 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. (school children).

AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY "Relay for Life" Craft Fair Come join us for this special event on Saturday, May 31, at Nativity of Our Lord Parish from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. If anyone is interested in a craft table or would like to volunteer, please call Gina at 312 225 - 9063. Donations are welcome.

SCHOOL BOARD There will be 4 school board positions open for the next school year. The positions are for a 3 year term, renewable for another 3 year term. The school board develops policies necessary to govern the operation of the school, advises the pastor on principal selection and participates in the principal performance review, advises in matters of tuition and budget, monitors the collection of tuition, and acts as a liaison for communication with other parishioners regarding school matters. The board is also involved in public relations and long-range planning for the school. Board members are expected to take an active role in major fund-raisers for the school. If you think that you would like to be a school board member, please submit a letter to our pastor, Fr. Joe Grbes, listing your reasons for wanting to serve on the school board. Letters should be submitted by June 6, 2003.

WORKSHOP ON RACISM & ETHNIC SENSITIVITY The Archdiocese of Chicago is sponsoring a workshop for parish representatives to come together to reflect on the issues of racism and ethnic sensitivity. Our parish is scheduled to send at least 10 representatives for the weekend of June 6-7. There is no cost for this seminar. If you are willing to attend, please contact Fr. Joe as soon as possible. We appreciate your interest in these crucial concerns. Please respond.

MASSES - Please be advised that we already have a full schedule of masses for the months of May and June; therefore, no more masses will be scheduled during those 2 months. Thank you for your understanding.

For Rent:  5 rms, 2 bdrms, 1st flr and bsmnt with bath, central air/heat. Vicinity of 27th & Wallace. $700 per mo. 1 mo. security & credit check required 312 617-1976.

31st & Wells, 2nd flr, 5 rms, 3 bdrms, totally remodeled, central A/C & heat, hardwood floors all rooms, ceramic kitchen & bathroom, ceiling fan, cable ready, owner occupied. Pay own utilities. Call 312 326 - 3805


Smears and tears throughout the years,

His mother wiped them all, and at the cross

she must have thought, when did he grow so tall?

Where have all the years gone?

When did they disappear?

How could it be my son is dead, and I am standing here?

Mary had a solid faith, perhaps from her mother's lessons.

Mary learned to trust in God, living life between the questions.


"Allow yourself to feel afraid that you may find courage."

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