Nov. 18 - 25, 2001
   Nov. 11 - 18, 2001            NOV. 25 - DEC. 2, 2001
   Nov. 4 - 11, 2001
   Oct. 28 - Nov. 4, 2001            

Important Links:        Daily Meditations            Daily Mass Readings

                                                     Saint of the Day

Mass Intentions

Monday, November 26, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić................................... Ivan Mišetić i ob.

Tony and Mary Passi............... Catherine and Nick Perišin

Carmen Basso................................................... Ann Contino

Tuesday, November 27, 2001

7:30 A.M. Margaret Marcello....................................... .family

Na nakanu......................................................... Ružica Miletić

Ivan Kosić................................................... Pero i Ruža Vučić

Na čast sv. Anti............................................. Ante Tomić i ob.

 Wednesday, November 28, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić................................... Ivan Mišetić i ob.

Na nakanu......................................................... Ružica Miletić

Na nakanu................................................. Gordana Subašić

Na čast sv. Ante.........................................   Ante Tomić i ob.  

Thursday, November 29, 2001

7:30 A.M. Na nakanu....................................... Ružica Miletić

Na nakanu........................................................... Katica Kosić

Grace Borovina     .......................................................... family

Friday , November 30, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.......................................... Milkica Vučić

Na nakanu......................................................... Ružica Miletić

Chuckie Cortese...................................... wife and daughter

Na čast sv. Anti..................................................... Mate Tomić

Saturday, December 1, 2001

7:30 A.M. Ivan Kosić.......................................... Milkica Vučić

Steve Czechalski..................... Catherine and Nick Perisin

Na nakanu......................................... Zlatko Dugandžić i ob.

5:30 P.M. Toni Passi......................................... Mary Harzich

Vince Navarro......................... Frano and Carol Marasovich

Joellen McNerney........................................... Rita Colosimo

Rose Fratto........................................................ Gerard Fratto

Angie Pudar............................................................... M/M Link

Virginia and Joseph Ferro............................................ family

 Sunday, December 2, 2001

7:30 A.M. Adriana Ruffolo...... Catherine and Nick Perišin

Phyllis Contino............................................................... family

Jakov, Pavica, John.. . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . .Peter Pivac family

9:30 A.M. Carmen Basso............................ Dennis DiCaro

Angie Previte.......................... Frano and Carol Marasovich

11:00 A.M. 

Deceased of  Bozich and Grzetich families Joe and Eleanor

Deceased and living members of Club Poljica Club Poljica

Dragica i Stipan Hrkać..................................... Obitelj Hrkać

Anđa Tokić.......................................... Dinko Dragušica i ob.

Ivan Badrov.............................................. Josip i Kata Bajzec

Luca i Andrija Lisnić...................................... kći Ana i obitelj

Marko Mišerda............................................. Sin Anthony i ob.

Tomislav Hostićka........................................................ Obitelj

Matija Šušnjara................................... Dragica Karačić i ob.

Stipe Pervan..................................................... Obitelj Pervan

Ivan Kosić................................................ Marija i John Kosić

Mato i Dragojka Badrov............................ Pero Badrov i ob.

Šime Baričević............................................ Sestra Ana Jović


Saturday, December 1, 5:30 P.M.  J. Zekich

Sunday, December 2, 7:30 A.M.  M. Pesce

Sunday, December 2, 9:30 A.M.  D. Krolo

Nedjelja, 2.. prosinca 11 A.M. Josip Novak i Nediljko Babić


Saturday, December 1, 5:30 P.M. Dengler, J. Raddatz, Segvich

Sunday, December 2, 9:30 A.M. Bertucci, Ciaravino, Huels

Nedjelja, 2. prosinca  11:00 Z. Jureta, D. Obranović, D. Hrvojević

WEDDING BANNS:Dona Mihovilovic/Matt Liesen (2)

                    OUR PRAYER

Imagine Jesus by your side or in front of you.  Make your way through the crowd to Jesus just as the bleeding woman did.  When you pray like this at home, you can cry to Jesus if you need to, and let him wipe your tears. I have read that tears contain a depressant in our bodies, concentrated 40 times more than normal, so crying is good way to release depressants. In your imagination touch Jesus' cloak, wishing for his healing.  Feel the love of Jesus healing you. Hear Jesus say to you, "Your faith has restored you to health". Or, in your imagination see Jesus take you by the hand as He took Jairus' daughter by the hand and let Jesus help you up..."I tell you to get up".  Jesus said about the girl, "She is not dead, only asleep". Hear Jesus say to you, "Your wound is not permanent, it is only temporary. I am healing you".  Let Jesus comfort you after the hurt you received.  Let the love of Jesus replace all the damage and hurt and woundedness.  Just as the Good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the injured man on the road to Jericho, let Jesus pour His love on your wounds and replace your wounds with His love.  Touch Jesus' garments and let your bleeding, your suffering, dry up.  Hear Jesus say to you, "You are not dead, only asleep. Get up."  Tell Jesus about your pain and hurt.  In your imagination see Jesus putting His hand on your head and feel the healing and love of Jesus flow through you from your head down to your feet.  Feel the love of Jesus replacing your wounds with His love, healing you and making you whole again. Finally, thank Jesus for helping and healing you.

Memorabilia Needed

We need your help. We would like to put together a history of our parish. Please lend us your photos, books, booklets, mementos, etc., of anything to do with the parish. We are looking for older items in particular. Please send them to the rectory clearly marked with your name, so we can return them to you.

St.  Jerome Web Site

Check our web site:

Now you can check Daily Meditations  ,  Daily Mass Readings , and also interesting facts about the Saint of the Day , in addition to a variety of information about our parish.  Log on to be updated and informed.  Let us know what you think. Your suggestions are very much welcomed.

Today at 3P.M. in our church, the Bridgeport Choral Society will perform a benefit concert for the victims of terrorism.  All are invited to attend this special event.

New Altar Servers

Congratulations to our new altar servers!  The following young people have been called to the ministry of Altar Servers and will be installed today: Rebecca Sarkauskas, Vincent Kenny, Nicole Gorman, Maria Olague, Korina Sanchez, Marlene Olague, and Denis Bajić. God bless you!

Newly Baptized

Today Michael Corrado Passarelli, son of Michael and Antoinette (Sarro) Passarelli, received the sacrament of Baptism. The Godparents are: Karen Wagner and Alfosno Sarro.  Congratulations to his family!



Saturday, December 15, 7 P.M.: Croatian School Christmas Program

Sunday, December 16,  6 P.M.: Parish Reconciliation evening

Monday,  December 17,  7 P.M.: St.  Jerome School Christmas Program in our church

CROATIAN CHRISTMAS CARDS  are available in the rectory.  

St. Jerome School Honor Roll (Click here!)


The following students from St. Jerome Parish have earned Second Honors for the first quarter of the 2001 - 2002 school year: Dawn Mangione , Jessica Martinez , Edyta Ricobene.


The following students from our parish are on the Honor Roll at Mount Carmel High School:  Michael Martinez ,Tomislav Rogic,  Elvis Capric


Don't miss Catholic Radio programming each weeknight from 9 - 9 :30 P.M. on   AM - 1160 WYLL !

Voice of St. Jerome Parish, each Saturday morning from 10 - 10:30 A.M. on 750 AM (W N DZ).

SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEK: Campaign for Human Development  (Archdiocese of Chicago)

For Rent: 

29th and Wells, 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms, call 708 430 0316.  

Vic. of 31st and Princeton, garden apart., central heat, air- conditioned,  3 rooms, full bath, walk- in closet, newly painted and carpeted, elec. stove. Pay own utilities, $475 per month. Non-smoker and no pets. Call: 312 842-6313.  

Thought of the Week

"The difficulties in life are meant to make us better, not bitter."

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