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Birthday of Mary
Monday - Ponedjeljak, September 8, 2003

7:30 A.M. Dec.mem.of Roti family................ Marion
Fr. Mark Kozina.................................. Trina Powell
Jure Bon......................................... Albina Pauletic
Frank Mangiaracina................ Yvonne Mangiaracina
- Mass with children 8:30 a.m. .......for parishioners

Tuesday - Utorak, September 9, 2003

7:30 A.M. Mile Rak...................................... Giggie
Nediljka Lišnić....................................... Kata Pavić
Frank Fratto..................................... daughter Mary
Jure Bon.............................. Antonio & Marija Dijaci

Wednesday - Srijeda, September 10, 2003

7:30 A.M. Viktor Bublić..................... ob. Božo Kosir
Anda & Ilija Tomić....................... Ljilja & Ante Tomić
Mary Rocco Iacullo.................. M/M Anthony Sabbia

Thursday - Četvrtak, September 11, 2003

7:30 A.M. fra Dominik Ćorić..................... Božo Guvo
Nevenka Švabe..................................... Ana Braškić
Slavica Blažević.................................. Ana Prendivoj
Ivan Pervan................................. ob. Jure Dugandžić
Josephine Roti.................... Catherine & Nick Perisin

Friday - Petak, September 12, 2003

7:30 A.M. Eva Balich..................................... family
Mile Rak...................................................... Giggie
Zorka (Peso) Rapaich.......................... Cathy Amato

Saturday - Subota, September 13, 2003

7:30 A.M. James Roti.................................. Marion
Mary Iacullo................................................ Marion
Jure Bon......................................... Albina Pauletić

5:30 P.M. John Mladinov fam.
Rose Fratto....................................... Gerard Fratto
Millie Trovato.................................. Lori Marasovich

Sunday - Nedjelja, September 14, 2003

7:30 A.M. Bob Hanson................. Jon & Gen Botica
Bob Hanson............................ Ed & Toni Mucenski
Dec. mem. of Kraslen fam. .........................brothers
Linda Humbert husband Robert

9:30 A.M. Betty Yukich..................... husband Rudy
Bob Hanson..................................... wife & children
Josephine Tarantino.............. daughter Cathy Amato

11:00 A.M. u spomen
Ana Šestan......................................... Pero Šestan
ob. Ilija Lončar......................... Ante & Anica Lončar
Za pok. iz obitelji Čuvalo............ Ante & Ivana Čuvalo
Šima Vasilj........................ sestra Zdenka Vasilj i ob.
Jela Barišić, Mara Jerković,
i Anica Janješić........................... Zdenko & Antonija


Saturday, September 13, 5:30 P.M. Robert Bazan
Sunday, September 14, 7:30 A.M. Matt Pesce
Sunday, September 14, 9:30 A.M. Diane Krolo
Nedjelja, 14. rujna 11:00 A.M. Ivanka Paraga i Anita Kosir.

Saturday, September 13, 5:30 P.M. Sabbia, A. Sarkauskas, R. Sarkauskas.
Sunday, September 14, 9:30 A.M. Bertucci, Dengler, Sanchez.
Nedjelja, 14. rujna, 11:00 A.M. Kikaš, Obranović, A. Bušljeta i Z. Jureta.

Dorica Miočić - Jeffrey Eriks (1)


The Archbishop's secretary called to tell him they had a visitor who said he was Jesus Christ, and asked him what she should do! The archbishop said, "Look busy." While this is humorous, it is also very true. Jesus wants us to be busy with his mission on earth! There are many ways this can be done. Let's look at a few :
(1) Will people be able to see that we are Catholic by the way we live? (2) If we were put on trial for being a Catholic would we be convicted ? (3) Do we have the "guts" to stand up for our faith in public? (4) Do we ignore the "unpopular" teachings of our church and still receive the Eucharist ? (5) Are all of our friends and relatives fully aware of our position on moral issues? (6) Do we fully share our God-given gifts with others?These and many others are quick tests to see if we are helping to complete God's mission on earth! Jesus reminds us that we are the only minds, feet, and hands he has on earth.  IF WE DON'T DO IT - WHO WILL?



WE WELCOME into our Catholic faith, Frank Michael Galvan, the newly baptized infant son of Michael and Kellie Galvan, whose godparents are Casimir Strugielski and Jean Galvan. Congratulations and God bless you!

Raffle Income: $14,340.00
Raffle Expense $ 6,000.00
Profit: $ 8,340.00
Total Income: $87,785.97
Expense: $35,136.21
Total PROFIT: $52,649.76
Once again we thank all of you for your help and support of this major parish feast! May the Lord bless you and keep you!

BIRTHDAY OF THE BVM Monday is the feast of ("Mala Gospa") the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Masses will be at 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. (with the school children).

  - Croatian School Picnic 2003 (Click here for pictures!)

GROWING IN FAITH - Another issue of the adult version of this worthwhile publication is included in today's bulletin. We know you will find it interesting and informative.

WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES If you are celebrating a special anniversary year (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30.....50) please let us know. A special wedding anniversary mass will be celebrated in our church on Sunday, September 21, at 9:30 a.m. ONLY ONE MORE SUNDAY TO REGISTER!

PARISH PHOTO ALBUM This year we will undertake the project of compiling a parish family photo album. Beginning in October, a professional photographer will come to our parish to take pictures of our parishioners. A sign-up sheet to schedule photos will be available next Sunday, September 14.

CCD - FORMAL CATECHISM INSTRUCTION - Registration of children for religion classes is being held this Sunday, September 7, between 9 a.m. and 12 noon in our School Hall. Please enroll your children!

THANK YOU One of our parishioners donated $200.00 towards the restoration of the church in honor of St. Joseph for a favor granted. Thank you and may the Lord continue to pour his blessings upon you and your family.

ONIAC Annual Memorial Mass The Old Neighborhood Italian American Club and Women's Alliance will honor its deceased members at the Annual Memorial Mass on Saturday, September 20, at Santa Lucia Church at 5 P.M. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served afterward.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday, September 9, at 7 p.m. We ask all members to be sure to attend. There are several very important topics to be discussed and decisions to be reached. We also have guest speaker fro this meeting. We thank you in advance for your effort, time, and professionalism.

FASHION SHOW St. Jerome School is hosting its annual Fashion Show on Wednesday, September 24, at the Martinique in Evergreen Park. Tickets are $30 and include dinner and an open bar. Contact Pauline Dengler, 773-268-3859; Denise Bertucci 312-842-8551; or Jan Ferro, 312-225-9751 for tickets. Bus transportation will be available.

ALTAR SERVERS If you would like your children to become altar servers, please let us know. This fall we will begin training new servers.

IMPORTANT MASS INTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT We cannot accept any more mass intentions for the months of September, October, November, and the first half of December. Please take this into account when you want to schedule mass intentions. Although we would like to accommodate everyone's dates, it is impossible. If you would like more masses to be said for your deceased, you can arrange to have them said at our Franciscan Monastery in Hyde Park. As we have previously announced, the Sunday masses are restricted to intentions for the deceased of your closest relatives due to the great number of requests.

PARISH FINANCIAL REPORT for the fiscal year of July, 2002 through June 30, 2003 will be available very soon.

Bishop Gustavo Garcia sent us a letter after the Assumption Feast - Velika Gospa. (Click here to see the original!)

OUTLINES of the CATHOLIC FAITH, the booklet featuring the teachings, beliefs, practices, and prayers of the Catholic Church, is available in our church pews. Please take a look at this important information from time to time.

For rent: 28th Princeton, 1st floor, 1 bedroom, central A/C & heat, stove & frig incl. Free laundry facilities. $650 per month. Please call 312 842 - 0918 and leave message.

For Rent: 1st flr, 29th Shields, 2 bedrooms, new hardwood floors & carpeting, ceiling fans, mini blinds, central heat/air. Tenant pays own utilities. Call 312 225 2864.



Justice may right the wrong, but forgiveness heals the hurt.

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